*NEW* ticalc.org proposal...
*NEW* ticalc.org proposal...
Quoted from <http://www.msu.edu/~rabelerb/ticalc4.txt>, Bryan wrote:
>Well, just because Magnus felt that it wasn't working, doesn't mean he has
>to invent a new system of government that favors him. You can't argue
>against the fact that the new staff structure made it easier for Magnus
>and the other coordinators to get their ideas "passed".
>I don't know if I agree with all this "yelling" business. I liked it as
>it was before because I could run my section as it needed to be run without
>inexperienced people trying to tell me how they think it should be done.
>Why do you think people, in general, are not very happy with their
>government? Because in government, you have life-long politicans who are
>making a lot of decisions that affect you, but they are out-of-touch with
>what your needs are. They make decisions on what they think is best, but
>they really don't know because they haven't been out in the "real world"
>and seen what it's really like.
After reading the whole selection of articles revolving around getting
Bryan Rabeler fired, I have come up with a method of "government" for
ticalc.org. Failure to follow the following guidelines means impending
doom for ticalc.org.
The first thing that needs to happen is that the four coordinators need to
step off their high horses and pay attention for a couple minutes of their
"valuable" time (you can return to your high horses shortly).
Now that I have everyone's attention, I will begin with what the largest
problem with the United States government. Then I will compare that
problem with ticalc.org and then I will show how to resolve the problem.
The United States government is collapsing. Why? It is due to the fact
that very few new ideas are coming in. Bryan kindly put it this way, the
life-long politicians, who make major decisions, are out of touch with the
"real world."
Ticalc.org = United States government. Do I need to tell people that the
coordinator ideas are going to get stale because they are out of touch with
the real world? After reading responses to Bryan's e-mails to the lists,
they have nice words but, to be blunt, they are full of emptiness. They
can't seem to prove how Kirk or anyone else can fill the position that
Bryan held. The coordinators haven't touched a calculator in ages!
So, what is the solution to the whole mess that ticalc.org is getting
itself into? I believe the answer lies at Taylor University. While Taylor
has only 1800 students, they have one of the top computer science programs
in the nation! Taylor has beaten Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and
MIT in many competitions! How does this small university do such a thing?
The answer lies in the fact that the computer science professors cycle in
and out. Each year one professor goes out into the work field and gains
knowledge and comes back and then enhances the comp. sci. department.
Ticalc.org != Taylor U.'s superior Comp. Sci. department. So, what is the
solution to this problem? There are 2 steps to take to solve it:
1) Get rid of the coordinator mailing list. No secrets must be between
coordinators and the rest of the ticalc.org. The COMMUNIST TRIAD =
TICALC.ORG'S 4 COORDINATORS! When Russia was still communist, there was a
Triad that had total authority and power. Over and over, dictatorships
have proven faulty, yet ticalc.org has turned into one. However, just like
the communist Triad (which met in secret late at night), the coordinators
have decided that it is best to follow in the Triad's footsteps with a
separate, secret mailing list. REMEMBER! THOSE WHO DO NOT STUDY HISTORY
2) If you must have coordinators, cycle them. DO NOT VOTE FOR THEM!!!
This means to do what Taylor U. does. Take all ticalc.org positions and
cycle each person in and out. Each person on staff will get their turn (if
they work hard). If you vote, the same old staff members will end up with
the position of coordinator. NO NEW IDEAS = DEAD ticalc.org. To keep
ideas fresh, a person who is a coordinator should meet these
**__minimal__** requirements:
1) Keep their section WELL maintained. (1 review a week is unacceptable,
1 review a day is tolerable, 1 review every 5 hours is well maintained).
2) Have a positive, helping attitude. (Must be willing to answer people's
questions within 24 hours of e-mail, IRC, etc.).
3) Have a thourough understanding of the calculators they own...including
ASM & BASIC programming.
4) Must be without a violation or offense for at least 2 months (arguing
on mailing lists isn't a violation but erasing TI-Files is...in other
words, hurting the reputation of the entire ticalc.org staff is
unacceptable). A person who is on ticalc.org staff cannot be fired by no
one except themselves.
5) Must have been part of the ticalc.org staff for 6 months and have
worked on a major calculator (BASIC/ASM) project 2 months prior to becoming
6) Must be active on the ticalc.org mailing lists. (Coincides with #2).
7) Must be capable of taking on the extra burden of being a coordinator.
(Coincides with #1).
On top of all this, a coordinator's term should be dropped to 3 months
instead of 6. This allows for more people to be coordinator in a year and
less chance that a coordinator will become a dictator. A person on the
staff can only serve once as coordinator until everyone else, who is
eligible, has served (somewhat similar to U.N. security council procedure
for picking the next country to serve on the council). These are strict
requirements, but they have been carefully picked to keep ticalc.org's (and
even TI-Files' and Dimenstion-TI's) staff on their toes.
As I said, failure to follow these recommended changes in staff will result
in the failure of ticalc.org. Ticalc.org is currently headed, according to
history, down the tubes. Secret mailing lists, a 4 coordinator
communist-like "Triad," and failure to create new ideas will be the
Okay, now that I've said what I wanted to, you can return to your high horses.
Thomas J. Hruska -- shinelight@detroit.crosswinds.net
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"