Error in TI-35X
Error in TI-35X
Dear sir or madam,
When we programmed a divisor for a microcontroller, we found an error in
the TI-35X.
* Set the calculator in HEX-mode
* Type FE FF FF FF
* Divide this by 3
* Type =
* This returns 55 00 00 00 (this should be 54 FF FF FF!)
* Then multiply this with 3
* Type =
* This returns FE 00 00 00 !! (this proves the division routines are not
The last value returned should be equal to the first value entered.
Please inform other users and I hope you tell us more about this error.
We are curious about why this error occurs.
Also we'd like to know if there are more of these errors in existance
within the TI-35X or other models.
In our profession we cannot tolerate these fauly equipment.
We might need replacement.
Thanks for your time
Erno Uijlenbroek <>
Wilco Vahrmeijer <>
RPM Development Team
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