Doors v/s PlusShell
Doors v/s PlusShell
I'm very confused about .asm files:
I have read, that i need special kind of programs to run assambly files (or games), and the most
mentioned are, Doors(os?) and PlusShell.
The problem is that i dont understand, what is the diference betwen both of them, or wich one
should i instal in my TI-89, also, the doors folder, contains a lot of sub programs, there is a
Doorsos, a Doors-explorer, and a lot of Interfaces- i guess that's what they are-, also, i have
read (in, that you need libraries to run the programs, but some of the shells have
the same libraries, and i don't know, which ones willinstall with them, and i dont know what
could happend if i install them twice).
What is the diference Betwen Doorsos, and Doors?
And the other cuestion:
The .txt, says that i should instal (for example) Graphlib, the problem is that i have a
Graphlib.89z, and a Graphlib.h, wich one should i install on the TI-89??
i have the same problem with userlib.asm, and Userlib.89z, i dont know wich one is the one that i
should install
(im on a macintosh)
What should i do, wich one should i install (plusshell or doors, or a mix of both), and wich
componets, please help me, there is not a lot of people here to ask (Chile, south america).
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