Re: HELP ME!!!
Re: HELP ME!!!
>Recently I purchased a TI-GRAPH LINK CABLE and when I tried to send a
>from my PC to my calculator, an ERROR message kept on coming up.
I can see that you've had several responses, but this is the one to read.
Go to
Every aspect of connecting and configuring the Graph Link is described in
great length.
>I plugged in my GRAPH LINK cable, should my PC detect NEW HARDWARE?
No, the Graph Link is not Plug and Play.
>P.S. I also have WINDOWS 98...does that have anything to do with it?
>Because on the web site it has a gray
>cable by itself (which I purchased) and it has a black cable for WINDOWS
>95/98. Thanks.
The grey cable is Windows 3.1 and above and Mac. The new black cable is Win
95 and above. Thus, a Win 98 user such as yourself can use either.
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