Re: HELP ME!!!


Re: HELP ME!!!

Well, first off, the Printer Port is LPT1, not COM1.  Printer, or 'parallel'
 ports are ALWAYS LPTx (normally there is only 1, so LPT1, or occasionally
LPT2).  Communications, or serial ports (COM1, COM2, etc) are for modems and
older mice.  Printer ports have 25 different pins - 13 on the top row, and
12 on the bottom.  COM ports USUALLY have 9 pins - 5 on the top, 4 on the
bottom. On older computers, there may be a 25 pin serial port, but a printer
cable will not fit there because of the pin orientation.
No, it will not detect it as new hardware, considering that it (to Win98)
looks like an empty printer port.  Here is my recommended order:

1) Turn PC OFF.
2) Plug cable in.
3) Start computer.
4) Start the correct version of the TI-Graph Link Software (there is a
version for EACH calc, if the one you need isn't included, download it at
5) Select the correct port (LPT1)
6) Plug the calculator in, while it is turned off.
7) Turn the calc on and set it to recieve mode.
8) Send the programs with the software.

Kirk Lane
ICQ: 28171652

-----Original Message-----
From: No Name <Liszt2001@AOL.COM>
Date: Monday, May 31, 1999 9:39 PM
Subject: HELP ME!!!

>Recently I purchased a TI-GRAPH LINK CABLE and when I tried to send a
>from my PC to my calculator, an ERROR message kept on coming up.  I don't
>understand why.  My GRAPH LINK cable is inserted into the back of my CPU in
>the Printer Port (which would be COM 1).  But it never works!  I have the
>software, but I don't know if I need a certain DRIVER for the hardware.
>I plugged in my GRAPH LINK cable, should my PC detect NEW HARDWARE?  Or is
>a driver?  If any of you have some sort of answer to my question, please
>e-mail me back at:
>P.S.  I also have WINDOWS 98...does that have anything to do with it?
>Because on the web site it has a gray
>cable by itself (which I purchased) and it has a black cable for WINDOWS
>95/98.  Thanks.
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