Re: TI's future plans


Re: TI's future plans

In article <>, (Vaisbrot) wrote:
> A)    only 4 different calcs (73, 83+, 86+, 89), all with a Flash ROM and in a
> "pocket" design. I heard that the 92-style design (which had several
> positive aspects after all) will not be further used on TI's calcs.

that all sounds reasonable to me...

> My most important question is wether or not the 86 will be replaced by a
> 86+/87 who will have all the symbolic stuff.

I don't think that a 86+ or an 87 would have the symbolic manipulation
features simply because each calculator that they make has to have a purpose
or a niche, and the 89 already fills the symbolic features niche in the hand
held format, and the 92 fills it in the larger format. Most likely there
would be no significant change to an 86+ other than flashrom and more memory.
At least not as significant as adding symbolic features... The higher level
calculator without symbolic features niche that the 86 currently fills would
still need to be supported, and they would gear an 86+ or 87 towards that


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