Re: TI vs HP newsgroup?


Re: TI vs HP newsgroup?

Who do you think you are? Why don't you respond with this to the ng?

I've never cross posted on any newsgroups, and this was just a suggestion,
since I saw somebody else complaining about it.

I know for a fact that the numeric solver on the HP is both more accurate
and faster than the one on the TI89/92 series.

I have used this HP48GX for many years now and can assure you that I know
what I'm doing, so please stop your child-like behaviour.

Anything else regarding our discussions will from now on be per ng!

Have a nice one.

Steen Schmidt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: <>
Til: Steen Schmidt <>
Dato: 23. januar 1999 20:45
Emne: Re: TI vs HP newsgroup?

>This coming from a guy who has been cross posting regularly.  But what
>do you expect from a guy who thinks the numeric solver on an hp is
>faster, the same guy who can't use an HP properly.
>On Sat, 23 Jan 1999 14:06:10 +0100, in bit.listserv.calc-ti you wrote:
>>Since there are a lot of cross postings on the HP48 and the TI newsgroups
>>(and some read both), we could consider making an "TI vs HP" or "TI and
>>This could be useful for debating and for comparing the two calculators.
>>People who were confused as of which machine they should buy, would
>>find this useful.
>>Then we could maybe use these two newsgroups for what they where supposed
>>be used for.

Follow-Ups: References: