Re: (no subject)
Re: (no subject)
> Would it be possible tomake a modem that connects to the place
> where the Plus module goes?(I'm not too familiar with the 92's hardware.)
Doubtful...if somebody could do it, though, I'd consider them either extremely
or a really damn good superhacker :) Anyways, although the TI's linkport is
slow (15 KBps, I think), you could build a modem that would hook into there.
> Printing is the same story...possible, but not too practical. At least it
> would have more potential use. You wouldn't be able to print from AOL while
> you were connected though, since there's only one communication port
Wouldn't there be a way to tweak the ViewScreen port? I mean, the ViewScreen
obviously sends LCD data...While it wouldn't be trivial, a printer could be
made from the VS port by reading LCD data and then transferring that to an
internal processor, which would...I think you get the idea.
> As for AOL people, at least 90%. At this point I'm only here to keep my
> address. Until cable is available where I live.
I'm waiting for ADSL.
--David Yip