Ti - ASM Programmers
Ti - ASM Programmers
Had an idea the other day that would streamline TI Programming. I originally
ment to put up a quick Web Page Explaining the idea, but I've had a little
trouble with the server so before I explain it fully at my web page I thought I
would give a brief overview here to gauge the level of interest (if any... Its
OK if you don't like, in fact please tell me if you think its dumb. I don't
want to continue if no one is interested.) Anyway... I was inspired by the
quick turn around of the Linux Kernal and severall other major projects under
the Free Code system. If I get enough interest I want to put together a system
of coding where a programmer with an idea could simply set up a page with any
code they have for it. Any programmer with a good idea to improve it, add
features, or even help finish it simple D/Ls the code adds or changes it and
then updates the files on the web page. I have some Applet code that would
even allow this to be done w/o even D/Ling the file although I'll have to
figure out how make sure its not abused. I hope this will lead to some higher
quality programs (I really hope we get some good reusable sub routines out of
this too.). I've also seen several people asking for something like this but
I'm not sure that programmers would like it. I do have several of my projects
I'm going to add (I like to start programs I don't always like to finish
them... I'll set up the web site so It will more or less work on its own w/o
me so I don't mess it up by forgetting about it :-). Oh and also I had an
offer by a larger TI - Web site to have me run this on their site, so would you
whether I did this myself or have it hosted by a bigger site? I personally
would like to work with others and have a little more traffic that way. Sorry
this is so long. ,Cal Folds
Do you never rest fighting the battle of who could care less. Honor not
happiness, thats alright I guess. What ever and ever Amen.