LaPlace Monsters: TI92's Laplace92 wrestles HP48's Erable 3.2


LaPlace Monsters: TI92's Laplace92 wrestles HP48's Erable 3.2

In article <780n3t$po8$>,
  Perez-Franco <> wrote:
> LaPlace: HP's Erable 3.2 beats by far the best TI method I know

There is an exception...

( Notice that the only time faster in TI than in HP is the last one. )

* For HP: HP48GX with 128RAMCard running Erable 3.2 and Java 3.6 in Port:1:
and 127KB free in user memory. Time was measured using this program: << TICKS
SWAP LAP TICKS ROT - B->R 8192 / >>. When the answer appeared not expanded,
then we used this program: << TICKS SWAP LAP EXPAND TICKS ROT - B->R 8192 /
>>.  Notice that not using expand when not necessary dramatically increases
times when compared with times using expand (yesterday's times). This is
specially evident in the 3rd function, which time in HP reduced from around
74 to around 10 just by avoiding an unnecessary expand.

* For TI: TI-92 running Laplace92 software. Time was measured with a stop
watch by a TI user.

0th Function: sin(t)/t^2
HP+Erable3.2) LaPlace: 01.46 sec InvLaPlace: 1.99 sec (used program with
expand, not returned original expression form)
TI+Laplace92) LaPlace: 02.10 sec InvLaPlace: 05.54 sec
Result: HP wins in both!

1st Function: 1 + t + 2*t^2 + 3*t^3 + 4*t^4 + 5*t^5 + 6*t^6
HP+Erable3.2) LaPlace: 08.14 sec InvLaPlace: 03.27 sec
TI+Laplace92) LaPlace: 09.41 sec InvLaPlace: 12.51 sec
Result: HP wins in both!

2nd Function: 1 + t*sin(t) + 2*t^2*sin(2*t) + 3*t^3*sin(3*t)
HP+Erable3.2) LaPlace: 06.47 sec InvLaPlace: 22.14 sec (used program with
TI+Laplace92) LaPlace: 21.41 sec InvLaPlace: 52.90 sec
Result: HP wins in both!

3rd Function: exp(5*t-3)+4*t^2*sin(7*t-Pi/3)+2*t^3/5

HP+Erable3.2) LaPlace: 09.27 sec InvLaPlace: Using LAP took 305 sec and did
not returned original expression form. Using LAP and EXPAND took 308 sec and
did not returned original expression form. Using PARTIALFRAC and LAP took a
long time and I cancelled it. (If I am ignoring a flag or something, please
tell me)

TI+Laplace92) LaPlace: 11.28 sec InvLaPlace: 46.97 sec
Result: HP wins LaPlace! TI wins InvLaPlace by far!

TI times measured by Lars Frederiksen on January 18, 1999.(TI user)
HP times measured by Roberto Perez-Franco on January 19, 1999.(HP and TI user)
Article by Roberto Perez-Franco.

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