TI-83 ASM problem...


TI-83 ASM problem...

I hope what I'm trying to say makes sense...

Hi all,

There's this problem that I've ran into with trying to load values into
registers--and considering that this newsgroup is supposed to be for, among
other things,
programming, I thought I'd go ahead and ask...

This is my code.
...a lot of code...

  ld hl, lbound                 ; this is the lower bound for the calculation
  ld (atempl),hl                        ; this is a temporary buffer for the value of A
  ld (btempl),hl                        ; tempbuf for B
                                              ; In the start of the program, atempl and btempl
                                                ; are both equal to 0., so atempl + btempl SHOULD = 0...

  ld a,atempl                   ; the problem!
  push af
  ld a,btempl                   ; again...
  ld b,a
  pop af

...a lot more...

If anybody needs the full source then I'd be happy to supply it.  All UDVs are
pre-defined somewhere up there...

Anyways, the error I get from TASM is "Unused value in MS byte of argument
(82)".  Documentation tells me that it could be anything from a mismatched
register to an incorrect label, and from the information given I think that
loading the variable "atempl" into register A is an illegal instruction.

But if this is true, how would I load the value atempl into A?  Referencing
the memory address of atempl doesn't work...when I do that, I get 289 as my
answer instead of 0 (which it's supposed to be), and then the calc locks up...

Any help is greatly appreciated,

--David Yip