Re: graph link software
Re: graph link software
The colons are inserted automatically (you don't even see them on screen on
the Mac version, don't know about Windows).
The commands need to be exactly the same as on the Calc(e.g. "Repeat" must be
"Repeat" and not "repeat"); If you type it wrong GraphLink doesn't recognize
it as a token(command) and it becomes normal text in your program(which you'll
notice when you get a syntax error.
<<>Like, do you need to
>include the colon at the beginning of each line? I'm guessing yes.
I think it might do that automatically, but you may as well put them in.
>Also, what about commands that are seperated. For example, on the calc I
>would go under the menus and find 'Repeat' then hit, say, 'Ans' so it
>would look like
>:Repeat Ans
>but there really isn't a space in there (on the calc). However, on the
>computer there is a regular space there. Is it possible to just type
>things in on the computer instead using all the built in menus? Again,
>I'm guessing yes? If you can, do you just type it in like I just did;
>the word 'Repeat', <space>, the word 'Ans'?
Yes to just typing things in, and I imagine yes to putting that space in
there, too.>>