Re: Who also thinks the TI-85 is a great classic?
Re: Who also thinks the TI-85 is a great classic?
Ok, I was being vague. So sue me. I've been screwing with calcs for the last
7 years, so i know them all, with the exception of the 89, inside and out.
So I don't need you attempting to correct me with your opinion. Buying the
85 is the equivilent of buying a Pentium 200 with 850 MB HD space
w/monochrome moniter when you could get a P200 MMX with 4 GB HD space and a
1600 by 1200 moniter. I personally hate all calcs with blue screens because
they are so hard to see. I consider a calculator to have ASM support if I
can make a basic program, type a command, and have it execute the ASM
program. Also, if it requires a memory backup to use ASM, then it's not
supported. It was a glitch, an error, a screw up that allows todays 85's to
use ASM. I guaruntee you that if they couldn't use ASM at all, TI wouldn't
be selling them. And they know it.
STL137 wrote in message <>...
><<Yeah, and it's also outdated by over 6 years,>>
>Time is meaningless.
><<has a blue screen>>
>Color schmolor.
><<and doesn't support ASM.>>
>You mean, not DIRECTLY.
><< The 86 is identical with a high definition screen>>
>No, high CONTRAST. High definition means lots and lots of pixels.
><< 3.5 times
>the available user memory>>
>Memory schmemory. Be glad it's not a UNIVAC.
><<Then theirs the 89, which blows them all away, and is
>about as cluttered as a piece of cheese. (don't know where that came
>92+ is better.
>By the way, you can't get around the fact that 86s are SLOOOOW for heavy
>numerical computations.
> ===> Website:
>PGP keys: ~~~pgp.html Quotes: ~~~quotes.html
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>tyranny over the mind of man" - Thomas Jefferson