Re: witch ti 92 is best


Re: witch ti 92 is best

One day ,...4 years ago i said to myself,...I need a calculator,.....!!!
That same day i went to an store and tryied several models,...including
TI-85 , HP-48G and HP-48GX,....
After forming my honest opinion considering price, capabilities and
functionality i chose TI-85 because i didn't had interest in 3D graphics
or a library of small and uninteresting functions,... and of course in
TI-85 i could program in a simple language!.
        Then 2 years ago ,...i met Ti-92 ,... and i couldn resist to
it,..because of it's power in math an programing either in TI-basic or
A68000 assembler.! (extraordinary!),....
        This year,...Model 89 arrived to Portugal,.... and of course and i
sow those functions that were part of TI-85,... and those of TI-92 and
many more,... I had to have one !, and i do!,....

        So my advice to you is that you should study every product before
you by it,....and i asure you that your answer is not in HP's
models,...especialy HP-48GX,.....

        To all of you,..have a very nice new year,.... and a leave you
with this question!....

        - Why carry a beutifull case with an screen and a keyboard inside,
when you can carry a pocket computer that computes advaced maths without
answering any kind of error, (devided by zero!) eheheh!!!!.

To Steen Schimdt 1/0 is diferent of error in TI-92, 92II, 92 plus and
TI-89 (i never use tan(pi/2) to simulate anything)

On Fri, 25 Dec 1998, Steen Schmidt wrote:

> Get a HP48 GX!
> skrev i meddelelsen
> <75lo9u$ij8$>...
> >i am bying a ti 92 and i want the ti 92 plus module so i can upgrade
> >but i found a ti 92-II is it the same as ti92 with a ti-92-e module ore
> wath
> >
> >
