Re: TI-95 memory backup pc-interface


Re: TI-95 memory backup pc-interface

Andreas Kwoczek wrote (a long time ago...)
> I have a softwareproblem with my TI-95 PC-Access program. Is
> there anybody still working with this machine and knows something
> about the pc-Interface and the software coming with it????
> I can store and retrieve programs from my pc into the MEM and
> 8kRAM area. I can also store and retrieve the complete 8kRAM. But
> I can store only the MEM area. If I try to retrieve it, which I
> am desparetly trying because of a crash with all memory lost.
> I get an error message that the directory is not cleared. there
> is a program "PC+" (80 bytes) which is loaded with the PC-Access.
> If I clear the diretory PC-Access will not work. It is not
> possible to move the program to the 8kRAM.


Move PCL to PGM, replace "MEM+PC" SBA 600 with "XXX+PC" SBA 600, where "XXX"
is the name of your 8K RAM cartridge. Store this version of PCL in the
cartridge, with a copy of +PC and you're done.

> Has anybody made the same experince? or even a solution?

BTW, should you be interested, I've got a highly optimized version of PCL
with a bugless version of +PC.

I've also got lots of other assembly language goodies, such as UCD, to UnCD
directories, +XR, to turn a RAM cartridge into 1000 directly accessible
registers, and "The TI-95 Utilities RAM" a huge (~8K) bundle of utilities
written entirely in assembler (and a bit useless if you don't have 32K RAM

Robert AH Prins

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