Re: Help running Tetris on Ti-89


Re: Help running Tetris on Ti-89

I had the same problem. What I finally ended up doing was creating two
folders under the main folder. One called NewLib and another called OldLib.
I then downloaded the newest version of all of the libaries, and then and
older version of each. I then copied all of the new libs to the NewLib and
the old libs to OldLib. Created two shortcuts, one that copies all of the
new libs to the main directory, and another that did the same for the old
libs. Now I just copy either the old or the new libs to the main depending
on which game I am playing.

SMQ required the new libs

Mario95, Jezzball, Nibble89, and Phx89 required the old libs. wrote in message <7664ni$t7$>...
>Every time I try to run Tetris it tells me that graph4lib is not found, and
>have it on the calc in the main dir, and it's not archived. If anyone knows
>what's worng, please help.
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