Re: homemade links are trash


Re: homemade links are trash

Man in the Moon wrote:

> Homemade links are a lure into a trap. There is no guarantee it will work
> with everything, or anything at all. There is rarely a service for them and
> the programs are not full-proof. The TI-GraphLink is only $35 and is overall
> a much better deal. Just look how many questions this list gets of people
> having trouble with their homemade links.

True, but there are many pros and cons of each.

The $4 link is for the money-tight (at the moment, anyway), the frugal (you're
only getting the link because it's $4), and for the handy-man. Also, you can
make your own software, which is a definite plus.

The $35 links works out of the box, has great software, and is easy to use
(I'm sure the $4 is too, actually).

 - Michael Astrauskas (AKA Julian) ICQ UIN: 1946065, Trevelyan
   My Anime-type art:
