Re: need help Recursion and iteration...
Re: need help Recursion and iteration...
In article <75nj88$o88$>,
<> wrote:
>In article <>,
> (Benoit Morrissette) wrote:
>> But there
>> exists some classes of algorythmic problems that can be solved
>> only through recursion ( graphs and trees ).
He's right.
>Er.. no. Every recursive program may be written in iterative form.
>It's not always trivial (as with the factorial), but it can be done.
He's wrong.
Ackermann's function is a counterexample.
int A(int x, int y)
if(x == 0) return y + 1;
else if(y == 0) return A(x-1,1);
else return A(x-1,A(x,y-1));
See also:
>> And in many
>> cases, recursion leads to programs that are more readable,
>> easier to debug and faster to write at the cost of using
>> more memory and taking more time to run.
>I second that.
>Best Regards,
>Werner Huysegoms
>remove the x before replying
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