Re: Linking problem


Re: Linking problem

Add that LED - it don't work without...


JoHn DoH wrote:
> I built my own link using everything except the LED (I did not think I
> needed it and it cluttered things up).  I got xlink for linux and
> switched to root and tried to send a file, segmentation fault (like a
> gpf for you win. people, i.e. the program is screwy there) but  I tried
> to recv. packets from the calc.  Here is the problem when I hook up the
> cable the calc slooooowwwwsss to a almost nonexsistent speed.  But I say
> oh well so I try to send somethin - first a program then just a number
> (REAL).  It hangs for a while after hitting xmit then it starts to
> send.  The computer gets an invalid packet error and the calc gives a 38
> linking error.  I have a TI86 with a serial connector, any help is
> greatly appreciated.
>         -DoH

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