Converting ti-92+ programs to ti-89


Converting ti-92+ programs to ti-89


I used a combination of plusshell and doorsos utils. to
convert one of the fargo programs (fterm.92p) to ti-89 assembly,
and then ran it through both plusshell and doorsos, but with no
luck... Here is the process :

plusshell/cvrtold fterm[.92p]   (generates fterm.o)
doorsos/objtobin fterm[.o]      (generates fterm.bin)
doorsos/binto89z fterm[.bin]    (generates fterm.89z)

fterm.89z executed from either doorsos or plusshell crashes

Any hints or clues on what might be the problem?! I'm fairly new
in the ti calculator world, so anything helps. I'm looking to
write a serial driver (a serial terminal),  specifically!

Thanks very much in advance,
Payam Saisan

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