Re: TI-89: How to convert decimal sto fractions and vice versa


Re: TI-89: How to convert decimal sto fractions and vice versa

On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, JAMES REYLE wrote:

> TI-89
> I was curious how to convert decimals to fractions on a TI-89 and
> go back and forth  between fractions and decimals. I've looked in the
> instruction manual and have found nothing. I've used both a TI-83 and TI-85
> and found this to be under the Math menu. I didn't see it on the T-89.
>                         James Reyle
There have been several methods posted regarding this problem, but there
is another point to consider.

If you press MODE and scroll down to Exact/Approximate, you can set the
TI-89 to choose #3, APPROXIMATE, your calculator will display all results
as decimals.  If you are working on a problem where decimal equivalents
are preferred, or if you always prefer decimal equivalents, its easier to
just select accordingly.

Frank Kuberry
