Ti-86, ROM 1.3: BUG with function of function!?


Ti-86, ROM 1.3: BUG with function of function!?

Hello everyone!

I think I've found a bug whith the TI-86, ROM version 1.3. This was what I
did when I found it (or see the PS):
First I entered these two functions (sqrt=square root):
And then I graphed y2 -- ok so far. But if I try to trace, or do anything
under the MATH-menu it gets weird.
If I trace it shows:
   x=0            y=
-- just as it should do, but when i move the cursor it doesn't follow the
If I, for example, try to integrate it it doesn't ask for a lower limit or

The problem seems to be that the function is not defined for x=0; if I
change the windows-settings so that the cursor doesn't start at x=0 it goes
well, until I try to e.g. trace to x=0.

The bug does NOT occure if only y1=(sqrt(1/x^2)/x)/x is entered! (I.e. the
same thing, but written as one function.)

Is somebody able to recreate this bug? Is it already known, or does it
exist in more recent ROM-versions? Or is it only my calculator that is weird?

Johan Winge

To be more specific I pressed these keys, (after full reset):

GRAPH   F1   2nd   X^2   (   1   -   x-VAR   X^2   )   /   x-VAR   F5
ENTER   2nd   ALPHA   0   1   (   x-VAR   )   /   x-VAR   ENTER   EXIT   F5

and then e.g.

F4   ->


MORE   F1   F3

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