Re: Controlling the cursor better...


Re: Controlling the cursor better...

> Hard to say without seeing your code.

    ld a,(CurCol)   ; Get column
    dec a           ; Move one char left
    push af         ; Store it
    ld (CurCol),a   ; Change position
    ld a,' '
    call _PutC      ; Space
    pop af          ; Restore position...
    ld (CurCol),a   ; ...on screen

This is supposed to simulate a BS->SPC->BS sequence, but when the cursor is
in the middle of a flash, it leaves behind frozen copies of itself. I've
tried to temporarely turn off the cursor, and doing a 'halt' to wait for the
next interrupt, but the cursor doesn't seem to respond that quickly to the
CurOn flag.

The reason I'm not satisfied with the indirect (PGMIO_EXEC) string input
call is that it absolutely requires input. No empty lines are accepted, and
another thing: It seems to destroy text attributes (inverse text).

BTW: The code above is not exactly the code I use. The complete code handles
out-of-screen cases also.

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