Re: PLANES and other 3D equations


Re: PLANES and other 3D equations

Title: RE: PLANES and other 3D equations

Simple solution. Just a little Programming
Set your Graph Mode: 3D
Graph {Equation 1 goes here}
StoPic p1
Graph {Equation 2 goes here}
StoPic p2
RclPic p1
RclPic p2

This will give you a graphic overlay of ALL functions.
Not eligant, but I don't have time to write a function
to cycle all the assigned Graph Functions, save as pics
& re-display (Another, perhaps better solution, but I
tried the above before I sent this.)

Works on both 89 & 92 Plus

I have 1 question. Can we create the cascading menus
like the standard menu uses (2+ levels deep, not just one)?
Docs for 'ToolBar' only show 'Titles' w/ 1 deep 'Items'.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rui Cancela [mailto:mecruic@YAHOO.COM]
Sent: Friday, September 03, 1999 3:21 PM
Subject: PLANES and other 3D equations

Does anyone have a clue if it's really unpossible to draw multiple 3D
equations on a TI - 89 ?I can't graph 2 planes at the same time
The calculators user manual says it can't be done, but does anyone
knows a way to do it, or a program that enables it ?

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