Re: TI89 Archive Memory


Re: TI89 Archive Memory

In article <>,
  ken <> wrote:
> But if what's stored in Flash is deleted after RAM is deleted, it
> defeats the purpose doesn't it?

In fact the goal of TI was not to provide an unresetable storage medium but
just  more user memory. The TI92's series have been crippled to address only
256 KB of RAM so TI has 2 choices: Flash memory or hardware bank switching.
As it would have been very difficult and quite expensive to fit bank
switching in the plus module,TI has chosen Flash memory.

There is a software called Flash manager which enables archive recovery after
a crash or a reset but it doesn't work on all TI92+ and not at all on TI89.
This software built a variable allocation table of archived variables in the
user data archive. This V.A.T is by default updated at each archive/unarchive
operation. You can however update this V.A.T yourself and shut down the
previous option which is quite unhealthy for the sector where is stored this
V.A.T. Perhaps TI itself will provide such abilities later.

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