Re: RPN (was Re: TI-83+)
Re: RPN (was Re: TI-83+)
On 29 Apr 1999 03:16:06 GMT, (Jemfinch02) wrote:
>Your argument fails here because parentheses are not on the paper either.
Hello? There are no parentheses on paper? Jeremy, what color is the
sky in your world? I grabbed the closest book to me, opened it up and
what did I see? Parentheses! I looked on the next page, there was
more! I checked, yep, my book is printed on paper, just like most of
them. I must say, in all the books I've read, I've never seen
3 2nd x^2 enter 2 + 1 enter 4 / y^x (HP way)
instead of
(2+3^2)^(1/4) enter (TI way)
in any book.
That's the exact keystrokes needed to do the same thing on both calcs.
I'll leave it to you to decide which is easier to do, which is more
intuitive, and which is easier to read.
>doesn't take a mental conversion. All you have to do is look in the middle of
>the equation first.
Looking in the middle sounds like a mental conversion to me.
>Looking at an equation on paper and punching it into your
>calculator with parentheses involves as much "mental conversion" as punching
>that same equation in RPN.
Really? Like my example? I just punch it in on my TI, the HP
requires that I switch things all around. Remember, the R in RPN
stands for reverse.
BTW Jeremy, you had offered to provide objective support for your
opinions. Were you able to come up with any yet?
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