Re: TI 89 Questions


Re: TI 89 Questions

I've found that soemtimes I have to 'reset' the GL.  It gets its power
from the rs-232 port, so I disconnect it from both the calc and the
rs-232, start the graphlink program, connect it the the rs-232 port,
then the calc.  It usually works fine after that.

Secondly, the LCD flickering is a result of the LCD being refreshed.
You may notice your lcd watch does the same thing looking at it at an
angle and under flourescent lighting.  Generally your eyes can't catch
the fact that the LCD is 'blinking', but under certian blinking
lights(like flourescents and tv), the cycles interfere with each other
and it becomes more noticeable.


ken wrote:
> Hi,
>         I just bought my TI-89 with GraphLink (cable only).  I have two
> questions and would appreciate it if anyone could help me.
> a) The graphlink seem to be intermitten.  I am very sure I inserted it
> firmly and correctly into the TI.  When it connects, it connects
> beautifully.  But when it doesn't, it doesn't no matter how many times I
> re-insert and adjust.  When it work, I shake and move the connector and
> it remains working.  So why is it so difficult to get it to work?  It is
> like hit and miss kind of thing.
> b) The screen seem to flicker slightly, especially when viewed under
> flourescent light and when viewed at an angle.  When viewed at 90 deg to
> the screen, it seem ok.  Is it me or is everyone else's machine the
> same?
> Thanks in advance.

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