Re: ti-89 financiel programs


Re: ti-89 financiel programs

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999 12:10:25 +0200, David Winslxw <dwi@IMAGE.DK> wrote:

>Just received my ti-89 calc and (no manual) and wondered if there was any
>financiel programs installed beforehand. If not where can I find these
>programs....I have exame Monday so if any of you live in Denmark and
>studying hd when pass me a message...

Why did you chose a TI-89 for business??
the reason i ask you, is because i study business administration too, here
in chile, and a lot of people buy the HP-19B II because is somthing like
"the standard", i find that calculator extemely old and ugly, but here there
are not many pople hat use TI, i want to know if it would be a good calcul
ator for a busines career, i have calculus (very basic), finances, and econ
omic clasess...

a lot of people did buy 48GX too and they use them a lot

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