Don't talk about things you don't know..


Don't talk about things you don't know..

Mike Hunt <MikeHuntTROUSERS@MAILROOM.COM> wrote:

>Sega is better than Nintendo...especially because of Sonic the Hedgehog.
>Therefore, that was a bad example.
>As for calculator programs:  the HP calcs have a wee bit of a head start (13
>years) on the TI calcs, esp. the 89.  Perhaps if they had come out at the
>same time, they would be comparable.
>How about this for an example:  Wintel boxes are better than macs,
>because of M$ Office.
>Lets us remember that Mohrs Circle is available for TI's (I know
>because I have it) and HP's (I've heard)

Go to a Mac Store, and ask for Office98...
Install it on a Mac...

It's so easy to talk without know...

'The box label said, "Requires Windows 95 or Better", so I bought a Macintosh.'

Jack Mordoj(Macfan)
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