TI-92+ Adv. Math. Soft. v2.00 (not yet, though)
TI-92+ Adv. Math. Soft. v2.00 (not yet, though)
Wanted to pass this on to anyone who hadn't noticed, like me.
Don't bother responding to this message.
>From the Texas Instruments Official Web Site:
<<Advanced Mathematics Software Version 2.00
This free upgrade replaces Advanced Mathematics Software Version 1.00 and
enables you to install multiple Calculator Software applications. Version 2.00
also re-apportions calculator memory, providing a total of over 600K bytes for
Calculator Software applications and user data archive.
Available Fall 1999 >>
Hoo yeah. Yum yum yum.
S.T.L. ==> STL137@aol.com <== My quotes page is at: http://quote.cjb.net
~~~ My main website is at: http://137.tsx.org ~~~
If you see a message of mine posted on two newsgroups, then it is because I
have replied to a crossposted message. I *never* crosspost of my own accord!
I block all unapproved E-mail. If you wish to talk to me, post to alt.test.9
with the subject "Moo" and your E-mail address in the body. I will allow you
as soon as I sign on next.
"This universe is not hostile, or yet is it friendly. It is simply
indifferent" - John H. Holmes, The Sensible Man's View of Religion
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