Re: Ti-86 wierdness
Re: Ti-86 wierdness
It's possible tokenized programs could do some weird stuff, though.
In article <CALC-TI%1999042202070012@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM>,
Ray Kremer <raykremer@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
> Yeah, that's exactly what I thought. Here's what this guy e-mailed me:
> About 86's sending programs to 85's... TI did _not_ intend for programs
> to be sent this way. Think of all the extra commands that an 86 has that
> an 85 doesn't! Attempting to execute these commands on an 85 would
> probably lock up the calculator.
> I told him syntax error or undefined variable error is the only thing that
> would happen. He replied:
> However, you are incorrect in
> assuming that it wouldn't lock up; if incorrect TI-BASIC is executed it
> can very well lock up the calculator (I've done it by changing a single
> byte in a program)
> I figured he was full of it, but it's fun knowing that you've proved me
> right.
> >I have looked at your [excellent] FAQ. Without actually going through
> >that process of doing all that you mention, I can tell you that I have
> >found no commands that are 86 specific that harm the 85 in anyway.
> >Logically, you could make the arguement that TI could not know the
> >commands that they would be putting into the 86 when they made the 85,
> >so why would anything be put into the rom about them?
> >
> >For example, if a program transferred to the 85 had the command PlOn (an
> >86 only stat command), the 85 would error with 07 ERROR SYNTAX. Unless
> >the 85 had a variable named PlOn. Then the variable would be put into
> >the Ans variable. If there was a program on the 85 named PlOn, it
> >would be exucuted as a sub-program. The 85 does not crash. I have
> >tried it.
> >
> >I hope I answered your question,
> >Todd
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