Re: Mohr Circle
Re: Mohr Circle
>Okay, I don't really know the size of the HP48 user base
I wasn't speaking of size. The HP48 user base is generally, from what I have
seen, both more professional and at a higher level in its education than the TI
user base. Quanitity is not what I look at; quality is what matters.
>A given program might be available on
>a given platform first, but that only shows the preference of the
>programmer, not the superiority of the platform.
And I was not speaking of the early arrival of many programs for the HP. The
HP's programming environment is superior to the TI's, and it's user base is in
more of a position to take advantage of this superiority. There is nothing for
the TI even comparable to the work and effort that has gone into algebra
libraries such as Erable and Alg48. This speaks for both the versatility of
the programming environment and the nature of the user base.
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