Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
In article <7fim8f$s2h$>,
"Indifference" <> wrote:
> I guess I really started something with this thread. I've decided to wait a
> few months, until the fall. By then HP will have released the HP-58GX (And
> NO, the one I'm talking about is not an April Fools Joke). Also, by that
> time, some guy, (Kirk Meyer) is releasing a ASM prog that will give my 86
> the capabilities of an 89 (slower of course). I want to see how good that
> program is, and if the HP-58GX is significantly better, I'll get that.
About the program of Kirk Meyer i am quite scpectic. The Z80 of the TI86 is
way inferior to the HP48 Saturn and it has taken several years for
programmers of the HP community to produce computer algebra softwares which
enable the HP48 to match or even overcome the TI89. Also these software
require much more memory than the TI86 has and they don't even provide 3D
graphic abilities of the TI-89. So i wonder how kirk Meyer would be able to
produce such a software ? Perhaps it would be possible on a TI86+ as Flash
application but on a TI-86 i very doubt.
> I have also figured out why the HP-48GX appears to be faster than a ti-89.
> What it is that although the HP only runs at 4Mhz, and the ti89 at 10Mhz,
> the 89's number crunching algorithms aren't all that fast and optimized. The
> HP's set of number crunching algorithms are much more efficient (about twice
> as much). So it appears that while doing calculations the HP is almost as
> fast as an 89. Now this is only so while the calcs are doing straight number
> crunching. If its other tasks, (such as opening menus etc.) the 89 is
> clearly faster. I've also heard that the HP58G is coming with 512K RAM and
> the 58GX comes with 1.5MB
The HP48GX is mostly faster than the TI89 for numeric computations. Try
numeric matrix computations and you will see that even the TI-86 blow the
TI89 in this areas(For instance try inversion,determinant and RREF on 10*10
matrix). It is really a shame to see a calculator so slow for number
crunching with such a C.P.U. Considering the speed of the HP interface,there
is a software called Meta-Kernel (but not freeware) which speeds it up to
until 100 times and which add so incredible apps. And the authors of this
software have been working on the new HP. I have heard that HP will show its
new calc the 05/21/1999 at Grenoble in France where HP France is based. I
will do all to be there !
> I know I'll get flamed for this, so if you flame me, do it private email.
> And in the case of the person that wasn't allowed to have anything
> programmed into their calcs during tests, I would definitely recommend an
> 89.
> Indifference
Timiti Hassan
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