Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
No flames, because you're right. There's a guy in the discussion groups at who contantly reminds us of this. Something about the 89 using BCD
numbers instead of binary, which makes it slower. I don't quite understand
it all but it sounds reasonable. The fun thing is, this guy thinks he can
convince TI to rewrite the 89/92 ROM from the ground up to correct this
The new HP should be interesting. All the HP48 users are going to be
gloating that HP beat the TI-89, and the 89 will still be selling more due
to TI's dominance in schools. I think I'm going to call it the iMac of
calculators - people will make a big deal of it when it comes out, then
they'll go right back to buying the competition's product. :)
>I have also figured out why the HP-48GX appears to be faster than a ti-89.
>What it is that although the HP only runs at 4Mhz, and the ti89 at 10Mhz,
>the 89's number crunching algorithms aren't all that fast and optimized.
>HP's set of number crunching algorithms are much more efficient (about
>as much). So it appears that while doing calculations the HP is almost as
>fast as an 89. Now this is only so while the calcs are doing straight
>crunching. If its other tasks, (such as opening menus etc.) the 89 is
>clearly faster. I've also heard that the HP58G is coming with 512K RAM and
>the 58GX comes with 1.5MB
>I know I'll get flamed for this, so if you flame me, do it private email.
>And in the case of the person that wasn't allowed to have anything
>programmed into their calcs during tests, I would definitely recommend an
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