Re: Free EE*Pack
Re: Free EE*Pack
It'll work on the 92+ - I think you can directly send the 89* files
Daniel Moraseski - FL and NJ roads, and also a
list of all (well, most) SPUIs
King of irrelevant info
in Orlando, FL; originally from Manalapan, NJ
Jakob Langkilde Madsen wrote in message <7fhge4$ns$>...
>What about the EE*Pack for TI92+ ???
>/Jakob Langkilde Madsen
>Perez-Franco wrote in message <7fdi2m$ovc$>...
>>Free EE*Pack for TI89 at
>>What is EE*Pack? It is just a convenient package of useful files for EE
>>students. All these files are available in the net..
>> contains Symbolic Circuit Simulator, by Roberto Perez-Franco.
>> contains LaPlace89 program, by Lars Frederiksen.
>> contains functions to find curl, divergence and gradient of
>>functions, by Roberto Perez-Franco.
>> contains programs to find Fourier series coeficients, by
>> contains a tool to work impedance networks with incidence
>>by Roberto Perez-Franco.
>>If you know of another file that should be included, let me know.
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