Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Isn't there a program that hides programs on TI-calcs (in assembly?)
And isn't there another way of hiding programs in TI-89's by storing
the program as a string?
If there is, I suggest use either method....or am I wrong??
Can someone help me out here?
In a message dated 4/20/99 5:03:40 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
moore.w@HOTKEY.NET.AU writes:
> I can use an 89 in my uni exams provided there are no programs on
it. That's
> a good reason for an out of the box comparison. No matter how good
the HP
> programs may be, I can't have them on during exams, therefore if
more is
> built in that's better for me.
> Just my opinion
> Wesley
> Jemfinch02 <> wrote in message
> > >> What is amazing is that this 13 year old calculator can still
> > >>everything other than symbolic integration better than the TI-
> > >
> > >Is that so? I'd like to see the HP compare with an 89 with
neither of
> > >them loaded with programs.
> >
> > What would be the point? A comparison like this would strip the
HP of one
> of
> > its major selling points: a stronger user base. The reason the
HP can do
> so
> > much with programs is because math professors, computer science
> professors, and
> > graduate students everywhere write these programs. This speaks
to the
> > professional nature of HP users across the world.
> >
> > To say that one should compare the two calculators without any
> would
> > be like a school forcing someone to take a math class under the
> of
> > "preparation for life" but requiring that calculators not be
> Likewise,
> > for an adequate comparison of calculators, one must allow all
resources to
> be
> > used to their fullest: and this includes programs.
> >
> > Jeremy
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