I need help
I need help
I have been wasting days trying to learn Z80 assembly for TI-82 (Ash
mostly, but I tried to find some for Crash). I have not found a single
tutorial or any sort of informational file that has explained to me
enough of what I need to know in order to accomplish something. I have
read the Ash school crap and since it was both horrible gramatically and
was missing many important sections it helped me very little, and I also
read some other "unfinished" tutorials that were basically crap. After
each tutorial I read I thought I understood more about assembly
programming on Z80s and then I go and look at the source of some game or
other program and I get utterly lost!!! I need to find something that
will help me or at least something that will shoot me because I'm
killing myself over this, generally I have been succesfull when I try to
learn things but there is almost nothing out there on the web about
assembly programming on TI-82s and on other TIs it's different because
they use different shells. I am hyper right now because I just drank 3
cups of cappuchino and I'm kinda pissed, please help me if you managed
to get through all that pointless crap Ijust spat at you!
-- The Rabid_Stick
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