Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
>> What is amazing is that this 13 year old calculator can still do
>>everything other than symbolic integration better than the TI-89.
>Is that so? I'd like to see the HP compare with an 89 with neither of
>them loaded with programs.
What would be the point? A comparison like this would strip the HP of one of
its major selling points: a stronger user base. The reason the HP can do so
much with programs is because math professors, computer science professors, and
graduate students everywhere write these programs. This speaks to the
professional nature of HP users across the world.
To say that one should compare the two calculators without any programs would
be like a school forcing someone to take a math class under the pretense of
"preparation for life" but requiring that calculators not be used. Likewise,
for an adequate comparison of calculators, one must allow all resources to be
used to their fullest: and this includes programs.
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