TI Calc Data Files and MIME types
TI Calc Data Files and MIME types
Hello everybody.
I've just begun writing an 86 graph-link package for BeOS, and I need to
know if there are any standard MIME types for the various kinds of
files that the TI-86 spews out its link port. [Or if there are any
standard MIME types for any of the files any TI calculator generates.]
Please email me any responses, as I may not be able to check the
newsgroup often.
- Dave
d a v i d k l e i n s c h m i d t
495 St Lawrence Ave. | 410 Fairwood Circle
Buffalo, NY 14216 | Rochester, NY 14623
(716) 877-5986 | (716) 424-8878
d p k 7 3 8 6 @ r i t . e d u
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