Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
You mean the April Fools Joke? :P
BTW a lot of the stuff (symbolic algebra and much more) on the HP48 was not
originally part of it. It is an ASM prog that does it, AFAICT.
Daniel Moraseski - FL and NJ roads, and also a list of all
(well, most) SPUIs
King of irrelevant info
in Orlando, FL; originally from Manalapan, NJ
Indifference wrote in message <7f2q5n$7ej$>...
>Has anyone else been able to confirm the new HP calc coming out in any way?
>I would appreciate any input. Thanks in advance
>> <disclaimer>
>> Being a die-hard HP user, I'll try my hardest to be unbiased here.
>> With that said, I would say to wait until the summer to decide (if you
>> that choice). HP has (almost) announced the release in France of a new
>> graphic calculator in August. Being an American company, one would
>> the new calculator will be released in the US sometime in July or maybe
>> June. If possible, you could wait until then and buy the new HP
>> <enter bias> which is sure to be better than the TI-89 or TI-92
>considering it
>> took TI 12 years to catch up to the HP48 (which has remained practically
>> unaltered since 1986) <ok, done with bias for the moment>
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