Re: Non-approximate values on pre-89's
Re: Non-approximate values on pre-89's
Well I was kind of looking for something that is somewhat like what the 89
has. I guess that's not possible without actually buying one?
SPUI wrote in message <7eti99$4cm$>...
On in 86 basic math I made the FindRad prog. It works for
Daniel Moraseski - FL and NJ roads, and also a list of all
(well, most) SPUIs
King of irrelevant info
in Orlando, FL; originally from Manalapan, NJ
Wesley wrote in message <>...
>On an 83 a simple program like this is a start:
>Given you know the last answer can be simplified to a factor of pi:
>:Disp Ans/pi,"[pi symbol]"
>That's all there is to it.
>You could even use the >Frac command to enhance this if you wish.
>Mike DeBakey <> wrote in message
>> Is there any way to get real values for inputs like on 89's, like 3pi,
>> instead of 9.494705098470 whatever. Are there any programs out there to
>> it or do I need to shell out the cash for a new calc.
>> Thanks.
>> Mike
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