Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
Re: ti-86 vs. ti-89
I played a bunch of games on the HP which go a lot faster than an 89, even
though they are much more complex. I didn't actually check the speeds, i
just based it on those games
But I thought the 89 had only 128K, but if it does have 500, i would go for
the 89
Bjxrn-Ove Heimsund wrote in message <7eqf3m$45a$>...
>Indifference <> wrote:
>: I know i'll get flamed for this, but I'm debating wether to upgrade my
>: ti86($110) to a ti89($145) or an HP-48G($90)
>: A 48G is cheaper than a ti86, it has built in symbolic derivative and
>: integrals. It also has about 30KB of formulas preprogrammed in. Besides,
>: HP 48-G processor is faster than the 89 processor
>The HP48G is quit slow, in fact. The processor is a 4 MHz Saturn chip
>vs the 10 MHz 68000 Motorola chip in the TI89. I have used both, and
>the speed-differences is simply amazing.
>Besides, the TI89 has more than 500kb of available memory, much more
>than the HP48G. Thus you can put alot of formulas into (more than for
>the HP48G).
>If you want a HP48 series calculator, go for the HP48GX instead. It's
>expandable (about 4 mb of memory max), and has 128 kb of base memory.
>Bjxrn-Ove Heimsund
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