Re: Very Cool Trick (only takes 1 minute)


Re: Very Cool Trick (only takes 1 minute)

>                      FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE-
>                      SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC-
>                      IC STUDY COMBINED WITH
>                      THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS.
>          Now count aloud the F's in that sentence.  IMPORTANT, count
>       them ONLY ONCE:   do not go back and count them again.  See
>       below...

Or better yet, count the number of I's in SCIENTIFICIC...

Bill Risher        Sparr      UIN:1952775      ._, . . .
Lorenai #44        Makra      FON:9316484164   |_) o | |
Overlord n7hq      Decius                      |_) | | |
mailto://  FAX:9315526807   ^ ` ^ ^ ^
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