CBL question
CBL question
Hi- I am using the CBL with my TI-83. I am using the custom probe
with the CBL. It is attached to the CBL at "dig in" and it receives
input from a board. I use the ground and external clock wires of
the probe. The external clock recieves pulses from the board, which
represent counts in the project that I am working on. Ideally, I would
like to count the number of pulses in a given time, such as 60 seconds.
However, I haven't been able to do this (I am using command 3).
Now I am thinking (and it has been suggested to me) that I can ask the CBL
to collect data on another probe, pick a number of events (typical count
number in a minute is about 120 so this might be a good number to pick), and
then ask it to return the absolute time. Then I would know how many events
correspond with a certain amount of time. So far I haven't been successful
with this. Does anyone have any ideas?
Or has anyone tried something like this before?
--Colleen Twitty
Student, University of California, Berkeley
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