Looking For a Used Book?


Looking For a Used Book?

This is ONE-OFF RANDOM MAIL OUT to introduce BAMDH Used Book
These are the services we offer: BOOK SEARCH - by author, or title
We also search for out of print books. Each customer is treated
We trade in USA Funds only.
We do not deal in any pornographic or "adult only" materials.

1. How to request a BOOK SEARCH :
- Mail to: abook4u@gte.net
- Place "Search 4 Book" in subject line
- WIth Author and title and physical address (essential to calculate
postage costs). in Body copy,
- This does not commit you purchase - a price will be returned for
your final sale decision.
- Please note at time it may take up to sevral weeks to find your
- Once we do find your book you willbe notified of the final price
- Payment must then be made within 7 days to secure order.
- We accept: VISA, Mastercard, Discover or Personel Check & Money Order

in United States funds only please.

2. How to be REMOVED from mailing list
- Mail to: bamdh-remove@usa.net <mailto:bamdh-remove@usa.net>
- Place (R) in subject line
- if not removed you will automatically go on recieving further info
and details of specials etc.
Thank you !

"Books are keys to wisdoms treasures;
Books are gates to lands of pleasure;
Books are paths that upward lead;
Books are friends. Come let us read." - Emilie Poulsson

-------- -------- Let us find you the perfect book - the perfect
friend!-------- --------

If you have difficulty in contacting us on any of the above email addresses
you may snail mail us at : BAMDH 336 Jim Mann Rd, Franklin, NC

Please note:
You have not been accessed thru a data base - this is a random mail out.
You will not recieve any further "spam" from us unless you indicate your
interest in our services. We assure you that if you remain on our mail
list, our mailing list is for exclusive use of BAMDH book company.
We do not sell email addresses.

* To UNSUBSCRIBE, send an email TO: listserv@lists.ppp.ti.com
* with a message (not the subject) that reads SIGNOFF CALC-TI
* Archives at http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/calc-ti.html