Re: Going from 85 to 89. Suggestions plz?
Re: Going from 85 to 89. Suggestions plz?
If you never plan on going into calc, get the 86, and save 25 bucks. If
you ever plan on going into calc, get the 89 and save yourself a lot of
time. I just got my 89, after using an 85, and it's more than worth
it! The 89 is so much nicer to use! I imagine that in the next 3-4
years, many college and university classes will be specifying it anyway,
so you might as well move up now. Since the 89 is upgradeable(via
flash) you relly have little to worry about TI releasing another nicer
calc for awhile...
Just my two cents!
Daniel Watt wrote:
> I have an 85, and have had it for 3 years. I like it, but i know its
> limitations. I would like an 86, but if the 89 is significantly better,
> I would choose it. I am only in Alg2, but I am in all upperlevel
> classes. Also, I do like to program, and I like asembly.
> So, should I go with an 89, or 86?
> --
> Daniel Watt
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