Re: Im requesting a TI-83 game


Re: Im requesting a TI-83 game

GuitrPro16@AOL.COM wrote:

> Can you please send me the text for Space Invaders.  Thank you.

Here you go.

 - Michael Astrauskas  ICQ UIN: 1946065, Trevelyan
   My humble Anime-type art site:

;3[[[[[ Z80 [[[[[[3 Spaze Invaders 3[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[3 movax 3[[[[[[[[[[[[3

; Spaze Invaders v1.1 by Hannes Edfeldt

; Here's the source code to my game Spaze Invaders. I've released it to help
; other budding TI-83 asm programmers to get started. Don't forget to give me
; some credit if you use anything from my code. Have a nice day! =)

; Hannes Edfeldt * *

        .org     9327h

;3[[[[[ Z80 [[[[[[3      MAIN      3[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[3 movax 3[[[[[[[[[[[[3

        call    INIT            ; Init
        call    INTRO           ; Intro
        call    MENU01          ; Menu, wait for 2nd
        call    MENU02          ; Menu, choose difficulty
        call    LVINIT          ; Level init

MAIN:                           ; Normal level
        call    KEYS            ; Read keys
        call    SHIP            ; Update ship
        call    LASER           ; Update laser
        call    ALIENS          ; Move the aliens
        call    ALASR           ; Alien laser
        call    COLDT1          ; Collision detection between alien and laser
        call    COLDT2          ; Collision detection between player and laser
        call    COLDT3          ; Collision detection between barrier and laser
        call    BUFCOPY         ; Copy graphbuf to LCD
        call    ALIENY          ; Check if aliens has moved down to the bottom

        jp      MAIN

MBOSS:                          ; Boss level
        call    KEYS            ; Read keys
        call    BOSS            ; Manage boss an related stuff
        call    SHIP            ; Update ship
        call    COLDT2          ; Collision detection between player and laser
        call    BUFCOPY         ; Copy graphbuf to LCD

        ld      a,(BOSSf)       ; Check if boss still is alive
        cp      1
        jp      z,MBOSS

        call    BOSSKILL        ; If not, call boss killed routine

;3[[[[[ Z80 [[[[[[3   PROCEDURES   3[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[3 movax 3[[[[[[[[[[[[3

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ NEWGAME _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Init for a new game                                                        3
        inc     sp              ; Don't return to GAMEOVER
        inc     sp

        inc     sp              ; Don't return to ALIENY/COLDT2
        inc     sp

        inc     sp              ; Don't return to MAIN/MBOSS
        inc     sp

        ld      hl,858fh+100    ; -- Restore the variables start values
        ld      de,SHIPx
        ld      bc,DBYTES

        ld      a,0
        ld      (SCOREb),a
        ld      (SCOREb+1),a
        ld      (STARTy),a

        ld      a,'0'
        ld      (SCR1),a
        ld      (SCR2),a
        ld      (SCR3),a
        ld      (SCR4),a

        ld      a,'1'
        ld      (LEVELa),a

        ld      a,1
        ld      (LEVELb),a
        ld      (TIME),a

        ld      a,3
        ld      (LIVESb),a
        ld      a,'3'
        ld      (LIVESa),a

        ld      hl,START        ; Make program ret to START
        push    hl

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ NEWGAME \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ INTRO _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Intro                                                                      3

;[[[[   Initiate for intro   [[[[

        call    BUFCLR          ; Clear the graphbuf
        call    BUFCOPY         ; Copy graphbuf to LCD

        ld      hl,8e29h        ; Clear safe ram area
        ld      de,8265h
        ld      bc,768

        ld      hl,8e29h        ; Clear top of safe ram area 2
        ld      de,858fh
        ld      bc,80

;[[[[   Alien Code text   [[[[

        res     7,(iy+20)

        ld      hl,0191eh       ; Print "Alien Code"
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,TXT6
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01f22h       ; Print "presents"
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,TXT7
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      b,4
        push    bc
        ld      hl,65535
        call    WAIT
        pop     bc
        djnz    WAITL6

;[[[[   Copy logo to graphbuf   [[[[

        ld      hl,SPZLOGO      ; Copy logo to graphbuf
        ld      de,8e29h+38

        ld      b,17
YLOP1:  push    bc

        ld      b,8
XLOP1:  ld      a,(hl)
        ld      (de),a
        inc     hl
        inc     de
        djnz    XLOP1

        pop     bc

        inc     de
        inc     de
        inc     de
        inc     de

        djnz    YLOP1

;[[[[   Do logo fx   [[[[

        set     7,(iy+20)

        ld      hl,01413h       ; Print "By Hannes Edfeldt"
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,TXT1
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,8e29h        ; Copy graphbuf to safe ram area
        ld      de,8265h
        ld      bc,768

        ld      b,27
FXLOP2: push    bc

        ld      a,(LOGOl)       ; Get line number
        ld      e,a
        ld      d,0

        ld      hl,0            ; Do hl=de*12
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,hl
        add     hl,hl

        push    hl

        ld      bc,8e29h
        add     hl,bc
        ld      (TEMP),hl
        ld      de,(TEMP)       ; de->graphbuf

        pop     hl

        ld      bc,8265h
        add     hl,bc           ; hl->spzlogo

        ld      a,(LOGOl)       ; Calculate how many lines to draw
        ld      c,a
        ld      a,64
        sub     c
        ld      b,a
FXLOP1: push    bc              ; Copy one line
        ld      bc,12
        ld      bc,-12
        add     hl,bc
        pop     bc
        djnz    FXLOP1

        ld      hl,LOGOl        ; Update logoline counter
        inc     (hl)

        call    BUFCOPY
        ld      hl,12500
        call    WAIT

        pop     bc
        djnz    FXLOP2

        ld      hl,01e10h+7     ; - Print highscore text
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,HSCORE
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01e34h+7     ; - Print highscore number
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,HSCR4
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,03a51h       ; Print "vX.X" (version number)
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,VERt
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ INTRO \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ MENU01 _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Menu part 1                                                                3

;[[[[   Prepare for textflash   [[[[

        ld      hl,8e29h        ; Copy graphbuf to safe ram area
        ld      de,8265h
        ld      bc,768

        ld      hl,00011h       ; - Print "PRESS 2nd TO START"
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorlocation
        ld      hl,TXT2
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,8e29h        ; Copy top of graphbuf to safe ram area 2
        ld      de,858fh
        ld      bc,72

        ld      de,8e29h        ; Copy safe ram area to graphbuf
        ld      hl,8265h
        ld      bc,768

;[[[[[[[[   Menu loop   [[[[


;[[[[   Textflash   [[[[

        ld      a,(FLASHt)      ; Time to flash text?
        inc     a
        ld      (FLASHt),a
        cp      32
        jp      nz,SKP13

        ld      a,0
        ld      (FLASHt),a

        ld      a,(FLASHf)      ; Get flashflag
        cp      1
        jp      z,ERASE1

DRAW1:  ld      hl,858fh
        ld      de,8e29h+540
        ld      bc,72
        ld      a,1
        ld      (FLASHf),a
        jp      SKP13

ERASE1: ld      hl,8e29h+612
        ld      de,8e29h+540
        ld      bc,72
        ld      a,0
        ld      (FLASHf),a

        call    BUFCOPY

        ld      a,0ffh          ; Reset the keyport (kinda)
        out     (1),a
        ld      a,0bfh          ; Enable the row with 2nd
        out     (1),a
        in      a,(1)
        cp      223             ; Has anyone pressed 2nd?
        jp      nz,MENUL

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ MENU01 \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ MENU02 _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Menu part 2                                                                3

;[[[[   Prepare for diff. menu   [[[[

        call    READKEY         ; Fetch last 2nd press

        ld      hl,9009h        ; Erase "PRESS 2nd TO START" msg
        ld      de,8e29h+540
        ld      bc,72

        ld      hl,02629h       ; - Print "EASY"
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorlocation
        ld      hl,TXT3
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,02d25h       ; - Print "MEDIUM"
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorlocation
        ld      hl,TXT4
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,03429h       ; - Print "HARD"
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorlocation
        ld      hl,TXT5
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,38*12+8e29h
        ld      b,7
INVL2:  ld      de,4            ; Invert loop
        add     hl,de
        ld      a,(hl)
        and     01111111b
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,(hl)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,(hl)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,(hl)
        ld      (hl),a
        ld      de,5
        add     hl,de
        djnz    INVL2

        call    BUFCOPY

;[[[[[[[[   Menu loop 2   [[[[

        ld      a,0ffh          ; Reset the keyport (kinda)
        out     (1),a
        ld      a,0fdh          ; Enable the row with clear
        out     (1),a
        in      a,(1)
        cp      191             ; Check for clear
        jp      nz,NOCLR_3

        inc     sp
        inc     sp
        call    XIT

        ld      hl,MENUt        ; Time to check for new arrowpress?
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      12
        jp      nz,SKP33

        ld      a,0ffh          ; Reset the keyport (kinda)
        out     (1),a
        ld      a,0feh          ; Enable the arrows
        out     (1),a
        in      a,(1)

        cp      247             ; Pressed up?
        jp      nz,NOUP

        ld      hl,MENUt        ; Reset timer
        ld      (hl),0

        ld      a,(MENUc)       ; Update old menu choice
        ld      (MENUoc),a

        ld      hl,MENUc        ; Move bar
        dec     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      0
        jp      nz,NOUP
        ld      (hl),3          ; Warp

        cp      254             ; Pressed down?
        jp      nz,NODOWN

        ld      hl,MENUt        ; Reset timer
        ld      (hl),0

        ld      a,(MENUc)       ; Update old menu choice
        ld      (MENUoc),a

        ld      hl,MENUc        ; Move bar
        inc     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      4
        jp      nz,NODOWN
        ld      (hl),1          ; Warp

        ld      a,(MENUt)       ; Has the bar moved?
        cp      0
        jp      nz,SKP33

        ld      hl,MENUc
        ld      b,2             ; Loop to do two inverts (old and new bar)
        ld      a,(hl)
        dec     a
        ld      l,a
        ld      h,84
        push    bc
        call    HTIMESL
        pop     bc
        ld      de,(38*12)+8e29h
        add     hl,de

        push    bc
        ld      b,7             ; Invert loop
BARL2:  ld      de,4
        add     hl,de
        ld      a,(hl)
        and     01111111b
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,(hl)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,(hl)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,(hl)
        ld      (hl),a
        ld      de,5
        add     hl,de
        djnz    BARL2

        pop     bc
        ld      hl,MENUc
        inc     hl
        djnz    BARL1

        call    BUFCOPY
        ld      hl,MENUt
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      12
        jp      z,SKP32
        inc     (hl)

        call    READKEY         ; Look for a 2nd press
        call    OP2TOP1
        call    CONVOP1
        cp      21
        jp      nz,MENUL2

        ld      a,(MENUc)       ; Set difficulty after menu choice
        ld      (DIFF),a

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ MENU02 \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ OUTRO _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Outro                                                                      3
        call    BUFCLR          ; Clear the graphbuf
        call    BUFCOPY

        set     7,(iy+20)

        ld      hl,00010h       ; - Print "CONGRATULATIONS!!!"
        ld      (08252h),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG06
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,0070ch       ; - Print "You have saved all the"
        ld      (08252h),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG07
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,00d09h       ; - Print "hamsters on earth from"
        ld      (08252h),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG08
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,0130dh       ; - Print "the evil aliens' claws"
        ld      (08252h),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG09
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01c16h+7     ; - Print score text
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,SCORE
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01c2dh+7     ; - Print score number
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,SCR4
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,02417h       ; - Print "Have a nice day!"
        ld      (08252h),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG10
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,02d1eh       ; - Print "ALIEN CODE"
        ld      (08252h),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,TXT6
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,03311h       ; - Print ""
        ld      (08252h),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG11
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,03905h       ; - Print ""
        ld      (08252h),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG12
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,8e29h        ; Copy graphbuf to safe ram area
        ld      de,8265h
        ld      bc,768

        call    BUFCLR          ; Clear the graphbuf

        ld      hl,0            ; Bytes to write
        ld      (TEMP),hl

        ld      hl,8e29h+768    ; Destination
        ld      (TEMP2),hl

        ld      b,64
YSCRLL: push    bc
        ld      bc,12           ; - Update bytes to write
        ld      hl,(TEMP)
        add     hl,bc
        ld      (TEMP),hl

        ld      bc,-12          ; - Update destination
        ld      hl,(TEMP2)
        add     hl,bc
        ld      (TEMP2),hl

        ld      de,(TEMP2)
        ld      hl,8265h
        ld      bc,(TEMP)

        ld      b,8             ; Wait for a while
        push    bc
        call    BUFCOPY
        pop     bc
        djnz    WAITL5

        pop     bc
        djnz    YSCRLL

        call    WAIT2ND
        call    GAMEOVER

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ OUTRO \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_  BOSS  _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Manage the boss and related stuff                                          3

;[[[[   Boss shot part 1 [[[[

        ld      a,(ALASRt)      ; Is timer 0 yet?
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP56

        ld      hl,ALASRt       ; Nope, update timer
        dec     (hl)
        jp      SKP57

        ld      hl,BOSSlt
        inc     (hl)

        ld      a,(ALASRf)      ; Look for boss shot
        cp      1
        jp      z,UPBLSR1       ; Jump to update shot if there already is one

        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Move ship x value to boss shot destination
        add     a,6
        ld      (BOSSld),a

        ld      a,1             ; Set laserflag
        ld      (ALASRf),a

        ld      a,(BOSSx)       ; Boss shot init x-coordinate
        add     a,12
        ld      (ALASRx),a

        ld      a,40            ; Boss shot init y-coordinate
        ld      (ALASRy),a

        jp      SKP57

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Erase old laserbeam
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(ALASRx)
        ld      hl,25*8+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Update boss shot y-coordinate
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(BOSSlt)
        and     00000001b
        cp      0
        jp      nz,SKP59
        ld      a,b
        inc     a
        ld      (ALASRy),a
        cp      57              ; Has boss shot reached the bottom?
        jp      nz,SKP59

        ld      a,0             ; Reset laserflag
        ld      (ALASRf),a

        ld      a,16
        ld      (ALASRt),a
        jp      SKP57

SKP59:  ld      a,(BOSSlt)
        and     00000001b
        cp      1
        jp      nz,SKP57

        ld      a,(BOSSld)      ; -- Update boss shot x-coordinate
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(ALASRx)
        cp      b
        jp      nz,SKP61

        jp      SKP57

        cp      b
        jp      c,SKP60

        dec     a
        ld      (ALASRx),a
        jp      SKP57

SKP60:  inc     a
        ld      (ALASRx),a


;[[[[   Ship laser part 1 [[[[

        ld      a,(LTIMER)      ; Has timer reached zero yet?
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP50
        ld      hl,LTIMER       ; Update laser timer
        dec     (hl)

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Is there a laserbeam to update?
        cp      252
        jp      z,SKP52

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Erase old laserbeam
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(SLASRx)
        ld      hl,80+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR


;[[[[   Boss movement   [[[[

        ld      hl,BOSSmc       ; Time to move boss?
        inc     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      4
        jp      nz,SKP41

        ld      (hl),0

        ld      hl,BOSSxc       ; Time to change direction?
        inc     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      64
        jp      nz,SKP40

        ld      (hl),0          ; Change direction
        ld      a,(BOSSmd)
        ld      (BOSSmd),a

SKP40:  ld      a,(BOSSmd)
        cp      1
        jp      nz,MOVLEFT

        ld      hl,8e29h+96     ; Move right
        ld      b,32
BMOVL1: push    bc

        ld      b,12
        and     a
BMOVL2: ld      a,(hl)
        rr      a
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        djnz    BMOVL2

        pop     bc
        djnz    BMOVL1

        ld      hl,BOSSx
        inc     (hl)

        jp      SKP41

        ld      hl,8e29h+383+96 ; Move left
        ld      b,32
BMOVL3: push    bc

        ld      b,12
        and     a
BMOVL4: ld      a,(hl)
        rl      a
        ld      (hl),a
        dec     hl
        djnz    BMOVL4

        pop     bc
        djnz    BMOVL3

        ld      hl,BOSSx
        dec     (hl)


;[[[[   Boss and laser collision   [[[[

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Check y
        cp      41
        jp      nc,SKP54

        ld      a,(SLASRx)      ; Check x left edge
        ld      b,a
        inc     b
        ld      a,(BOSSx)
        cp      b
        jp      nc,SKP54

        add     a,32            ; Check x right edge
        cp      b
        jp      c,SKP54

        ld      hl,BOSShl
        dec     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      0
        jp      nz,SKP55

        ld      a,(DIFF)
        ld      (hl),a

        ld      b,3             ; Three pixels wide health point to erase
HPL4:   push    bc

        ld      hl,8e29h+23     ; Erase health point
        ld      b,4
HPL2:   push    bc

        and     a
        ld      b,12
HPL3:   ld      a,(hl)
        rl      a
        ld      (hl),a
        dec     hl
        djnz    HPL3

        ld      bc,24
        add     hl,bc

        pop     bc
        djnz    HPL2

        pop     bc
        djnz    HPL4

        ld      hl,BOSShp       ; Update boss health points
        dec     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      0
        jp      nz,SKP55

        ld      a,0
        ld      (BOSSf),a


        ld      a,240           ; Make boss freeze for a while
        ld      (BOSSmc),a

        ld      a,32            ; Initiate laser timer
        ld      (LTIMER),a

        ld      a,252           ; Stop shiplaserbeam
        ld      (SLASRy),a

        call    USCORE          ; Update score


;[[[[   Ship laser part 2   [[[[

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Is there a laserbeam to update?
        cp      252
        jp      z,SKP53

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Has the laserbeam reached the top yet?
        cp      6
        jp      nz,SKP51

        ld      a,252
        ld      (SLASRy),a
        jp      SKP53

        ld      hl,SLASRy       ; Move laserbeam two pixels up
        dec     (hl)
        dec     (hl)

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Draw new laserbeam
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(SLASRx)
        ld      hl,80+SPRITES
        call    SPRITE


;[[[[   Boss shot part 2 [[[[

        ld      a,(ALASRf)
        cp      1
        jp      nz,SKP58

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Draw new laserbeam
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(ALASRx)
        ld      hl,25*8+SPRITES
        call    SPRITE

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\  BOSS  \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ BOSSKILL _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Boss killed                                                                3

        ld      ix,BOSSkr       ; Get pointer to boss kill random

        ld      b,16
BKILL2:                         ; Loop to erase boss with cross sprite
        ld      a,(BOSSx)
        add     a,(ix+0)
        inc     ix
        ld      e,(ix+0)
        inc     ix

        push    ix
        push    bc

        push    af
        push    de
        ld      hl,SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR          ; Clear a 8x8 part of the boss
        pop     de
        pop     af

        push    af
        push    de
        ld      hl,SPRITES+72
        call    SPRITE          ; Put the cross
        call    BUFCOPY
        ld      hl,24000
        call    WAIT            ; Wait for a while
        pop     de
        pop     af

        ld      hl,SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR          ; Clear cross

        pop     bc
        pop     ix

        djnz    BKILL2

        call    BUFCOPY
        ld      hl,40000
        call    WAIT            ; Wait for a while

        call    STGCLR

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ BOSSKILL \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ ALIENY _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Check if aliens has reached the last line                                  3
        ld      a,(ALIENmy)     ; Look for alien movement change
        cp      0
        ret     nz

        ld      c,26            ; Get right y-value to compare with
        ld      hl,ALIENr4
        ld      b,3
GETYL:  ld      a,(hl)
        cp      0
        jp      nz,LXIT01
        ld      a,c
        add     a,10
        ld      c,a
        dec     hl
        djnz    GETYL

        ld      a,(ALIENli)
        cp      c
        jp      nz,DONE9

;[[[[   Aliens has reached bottom   [[[[

        ld      b,6
        push    bc
        call    INVERT
        pop     bc
        djnz    INVL5

        ld      a,0
        ld      (LIVESb),a
        ld      a,'0'
        ld      (LIVESa),a

        call    STAT            ; Show stats in a box and wait for 2nd

        ld      hl,02621h       ; - Print msg to press 2nd
        ld      (08252h),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG01
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        call    WAIT2ND         ; Wait for 2nd to be pressed

        ld      de,8e29h        ; Copy safe ram area to graphbuf
        ld      hl,8265h
        ld      bc,768

        call    GAMEOVER

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ ALIENY \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_  MATH  _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Mathsteacher key                                                           3
        ld      hl,8e29h        ; Copy graphbuf to safe ram area
        ld      de,8265h
        ld      bc,768

        call    BUFCLR          ; Clear graphbuf
        call    BUFCOPY

        call    HOMEUP

        ld      hl,MSG05
        call    STRING

        call    READKEY         ; Fetch first MATH press

        call    READKEY         ; Wait for MATH press
        call    OP2TOP1
        call    CONVOP1
        cp      41
        jp      nz,KEYL3

        ld      de,8e29h        ; Copy safe ram area to graphbuf
        ld      hl,8265h
        ld      bc,768

        call    BUFCOPY

        ld      hl,65000
        call    WAIT

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\  MATH  \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ STGCLR _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Stage cleared                                                              3
        inc     sp              ; Don't return to ALIENS/BOSSKILL
        inc     sp

        inc     sp              ; Don't return to MAIN/MBOSS
        inc     sp

;[[[[   Draw a box and print info   [[[[

        ld      a,20            ; Draw a box
        ld      e,12
        ld      b,5
        ld      c,2
        call    BOX

        set     7,(iy+20)

        ld      hl,01018h       ; - Print Stage Cleared!
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG04
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01920h       ; - Print "BONUS:"
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,BONUS
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01935h       ; - Print bonus points
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,BONUS3
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        call    BUFCOPY

;[[[[   Bonus counter   [[[[

        ld      a,(BONUSt2)     ; Get number of bonus points
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP84
        ld      b,a
SCRL4:  push    bc

        ld      hl,(SCOREb)       ; Give player one point
        inc     hl
        ld      (SCOREb),hl

        ld      hl,SCR1         ; -- Update the ascii score
        inc     (hl)

        ld      b,3             ; Look for overflow loop
SCRL3:  ld      a,(hl)
        cp      ':'
        jp      nz,SKP80
        ld      (hl),'0'
        dec     hl
        inc     (hl)
        djnz    SCRL3

        ld      hl,BONUS1       ; -- Update the bonus score
        inc     (hl)

        ld      b,3             ; Look for overflow loop
SCRL5:  ld      a,(hl)
        cp      ':'
        jp      nz,SKP81
        ld      (hl),'0'
        dec     hl
        inc     (hl)
        djnz    SCRL5

        ld      hl,01935h       ; - Print bonus points
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,BONUS3
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        call    BUFCOPY

        pop     bc
        djnz    SCRL4

        ld      hl,02221h       ; - Print msg to press 2nd
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG01
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        call    BUFCOPY
        call    WAIT2ND

;[[[[   Update variables   [[[[

        ld      hl,858fh+100    ; Restore the variables start values
        ld      de,SHIPx
        ld      bc,DBYTES

        ld      hl,TIME         ; Time for a boss level?
        inc     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      3
        jp      nz,SKP70
        ld      (hl),0
        ld      a,1
        ld      (BOSSf),a
        jp      SKP71

        ld      a,(STARTy)
        add     a,2
        ld      (STARTy),a
        ld      c,a
        ld      ix,ALIENd1+2    ; - Update aliens y-coordinates
        ld      (ALIENli),a     ; Update nr of lines aliens has moved down
        ld      de,3
        ld      b,32
LOOP01: ld      a,(ix+0)
        add     a,c
        ld      (ix+0),a
        add     ix,de
        djnz    LOOP01

        ld      hl,LEVELa       ; Increase level
        inc     (hl)
        ld      hl,LEVELb
        inc     (hl)

        ld      a,(hl)          ; Last level?
        cp      10
        jp      nz,SKP75

        call    OUTRO           ; Then call outro

        call    LVINIT

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ STGCLR \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ COLDT3 _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Collision detection between barrier and laser                              3

;[[[[   Alien laser and barrier   [[[[

        ld      a,(ALASRf)      ; Is there an alien laser beam?
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP20

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Has the laserbeam reached the barriersection?
        add     a,7
        cp      47
        jp      c,SKP20

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Has the laserbeam left the barriersection?
        add     a,7
        cp      55
        jp      nc,SKP20

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Get laser y-coordinate
        add     a,7
        ld      e,a

        ld      hl,0            ; Do y*12
        ld      d,0
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,hl
        add     hl,hl

        ld      a,(ALASRx)      ; Get laser x-coordinate
        ld      e,a

        ld      d,0             ; Do x/8
        srl     e
        srl     e
        srl     e
        add     hl,de

        ld      bc,8e29h+12     ; Add graphbuf address + one line
        add     hl,bc

        ld      c,10000000b     ; Initiate laserpoint

        ld      a,(ALASRx)
        ld      b,00000111b     ; Get the remainder of x/8
        and     b
        cp      0               ; Is the beam aligned to 8*n,y?
        jp      z,SKP21

        ld      b,a
SHLOP3: srl     c               ; Shift the point to get right pixel bit
        djnz    SHLOP3

SKP21:  ld      a,(hl)          ; Get barrier byte
        and     c               ; And with laser point
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP20

        ld      a,(hl)
        xor     c
        ld      (hl),a

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Erase alien laser
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(ALASRx)
        ld      hl,80+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR

        ld      ix,(ALASRp)     ; Redraw alien
        ld      l,(ix+0)
        ld      a,0
        cp      l
        jp      z,SKP27
        ld      h,0
        ld      bc,SPRITES
        add     hl,bc
        ld      a,(ix+1)
        ld      e,(ix+2)
        call    SPRITE

        ld      a,0             ; Reset the alien laser flag
        ld      (ALASRf),a


;[[[[   Player laser and barrier   [[[[

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Is there an alien laser beam?
        cp      252
        jp      z,SKP22

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Has the laserbeam reached the barriersection?
        cp      57
        jp      nc,SKP22

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Has the laserbeam left the barriersection?
        cp      48
        jp      c,SKP22

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Get laser y-coordinate
        ld      e,a

        ld      hl,0            ; Do y*12
        ld      d,0
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,hl
        add     hl,hl

        ld      a,(SLASRx)      ; Get laser x-coordinate
        ld      e,a

        ld      d,0             ; Do x/8
        srl     e
        srl     e
        srl     e
        add     hl,de

        ld      bc,8e29h-12     ; Add graphbuf address - one line
        add     hl,bc

        ld      c,10000000b     ; Initiate laserpoint

        ld      a,(SLASRx)
        ld      b,00000111b     ; Get the remainder of x/8
        and     b
        cp      0               ; Is the beam aligned to 8*n,y?
        jp      z,SKP23

        ld      b,a
SHLOP4: srl     c               ; Shift the point to get right pixel bit
        djnz    SHLOP4

SKP23:  ld      a,(hl)          ; Get barrier byte
        and     c               ; And with laser point
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP22

        ld      a,(hl)
        xor     c
        ld      (hl),a

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Erase player laser
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(SLASRx)
        ld      hl,80+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR

        ld      a,16            ; Initiate laser timer
        ld      (LTIMER),a

        ld      a,252           ; Reset the alien laser flag
        ld      (SLASRy),a


;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ COLDT3 \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ GAMEOVER _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Game Over                                                                  3

        ld      a,24
        ld      e,24
        ld      b,4
        ld      c,0
        call    BOX

        set     7,(iy+20)       ; Enable text-direct-to-lcd

        ld      hl,01d1fh       ; - Print Game Over
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG02
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      a,(SCOREb+1)    ; Check for new highscore
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(HSCOREb+1)
        cp      b
        jp      c,HIGH
        jp      z,NXT03
        jp      NOHIGH

        ld      a,(SCOREb)
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(HSCOREb)
        cp      b
        jp      c,HIGH
        jp      NOHIGH

HIGH:                           ; Update highscore
        ld      hl,(SCOREb)
        ld      (HSCOREb),hl
        ld      a,(SCR1)
        ld      (HSCR1),a
        ld      a,(SCR2)
        ld      (HSCR2),a
        ld      a,(SCR3)
        ld      (HSCR3),a
        ld      a,(SCR4)
        ld      (HSCR4),a


        ld      b,100           ; Wait for a while
WAITL7: push    bc
        call    BUFCOPY
        pop     bc
        djnz    WAITL7

        call    NEWGAME

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ GAMEOVER \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_  STAT  _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Print player status in a box and wait for 2nd                              3
        ld      hl,8e29h        ; Copy graphbuf to safe ram area
        ld      de,8265h
        ld      bc,768

        ld      a,16            ; Draw a box
        ld      e,8
        ld      b,6
        ld      c,3
        call    BOX

        res     7,(iy+20)       ; Print text to LCD only

        ld      hl,00b16h       ; - Print title text
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,PRGNAME
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01316h+7     ; - Print score text
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,SCORE
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,0132dh+7     ; - Print score number
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,SCR4
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01916h+7     ; - Print level text
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,LEVEL
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01939h+7     ; - Print level number
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,LEVELa
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01f16h+7     ; - Print lives text
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,LIVES
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        ld      hl,01f39h+7     ; - Print lives number
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,LIVESa
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\  STAT  \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ COLDT2 _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Collision detection between alien laser and player                         3

        ld      a,(ALASRf)      ; Is there an alien laser beam?
        cp      0
        ret     z

;[[[[   Scan in y   [[[[

        ld      a,(BOSSf)
        cp      1
        jp      nz,SKP64

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Reached the player in y-level yet?
        add     a,7
        cp      59
        ret     c
        jp      SKP65

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Reached the player in y-level yet?
        add     a,7
        cp      59
        ret     c


;[[[[   Scan in x   [[[[

        ld      a,(BOSSf)
        cp      1
        jp      nz,SKP66

        ld      a,(ALASRx)      ; Get boss shot x-coordinate
        add     a,7
        ld      c,a
        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Get player x-coordinate
        cp      c
        ret     nc              ; Return if not above
        jp      SKP67

        ld      a,(ALASRx)      ; Get alien laserbeam x-coordinate
        inc     a
        ld      c,a
        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Get player x-coordinate
        cp      c
        ret     nc              ; Return if not above

        ld      a,(ALASRx)      ; Get alien laserbeam x-coordinate
        inc     a
        ld      c,a
        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Get player x-coordinate+13
        add     a,13
        cp      c
        ret     c               ; Return if above

;[[[[   !!! HIT !!!   [[[[

        ld      a,(BOSSf)
        cp      1
        jp      z,SKP62

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Erase alien laser
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(ALASRx)
        ld      hl,80+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR

        ld      a,128           ; Init alien laser timer
        ld      (ALASRt),a

        jp      SKP63

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Erase alien laser
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(ALASRx)
        ld      hl,25*8+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR

        ld      a,32
        ld      (ALASRt),a

        ld      a,0             ; Reset the alien laser flag
        ld      (ALASRf),a

        ld      e,56
        ld      a,(OSHIPx)      ; Load x-coordinate
        ld      hl,88+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR          ; Erase ship
        ld      e,56
        ld      a,(OSHIPx)      ; Load x-coordinate
        add     a,8
        ld      hl,96+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR          ; Erase ship

        ld      e,56
        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Load x-coordinate
        ld      hl,176+SPRITES
        call    SPRITE          ; Draw wreck
        ld      e,56
        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Load x-coordinate
        add     a,8
        ld      hl,184+SPRITES
        call    SPRITE          ; Draw wreck

        ld      a,(BOSSf)       ; Don't redraw alien if it was a boss shot
        cp      1
        jp      z,SKP26

        ld      ix,(ALASRp)     ; Redraw alien
        ld      l,(ix+0)
        ld      a,0
        cp      l
        jp      z,SKP26
        ld      h,0
        ld      bc,SPRITES
        add     hl,bc
        ld      a,(ix+1)
        ld      e,(ix+2)
        call    SPRITE

        ld      hl,LIVESa       ; Decrement lives left
        dec     (hl)
        ld      hl,LIVESb
        dec     (hl)

        call    INVERT
        call    INVERT

        call    STAT            ; Show stats in a box and wait for 2nd

        ld      hl,02621h       ; - Print msg to press 2nd
        ld      (08252h),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG01
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        call    WAIT2ND         ; Wait for 2nd to be pressed

        ld      de,8e29h        ; Copy safe ram area to graphbuf
        ld      hl,8265h
        ld      bc,768

        ld      hl,LIVESb       ; Last life?
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      0
        jp      nz,SKP18

        call    GAMEOVER

        ld      a,16            ; Initiate laser timer
        ld      (LTIMER),a

        ld      a,0
        ld      (SHIPx),a

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ COLDT2 \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ ALASR _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Alien laser                                                                3
        ld      a,(ALASRt)      ; Alien laser timer = 0 yet?
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP24

        ld      hl,ALASRt       ; Update alien laser timer
        dec     (hl)

        ld      a,(ALASRf)      ; Look for alien laserbeam
        cp      1
        jp      z,UPLASR        ; Jump to update laser if there already is one

        ld      a,(DIFF)        ; If DIFF=3, shoot now
        cp      3
        jp      z,SKP74

        ld      a,(ALIENc)      ; Has every single alien moved yet?
        cp      0
        ret     nz


;[[[[   Look for ship in alien x area   [[[[

        ld      ix,ALAST

SCNX1:                          ; Scan x
        ld      b,32            ; 32 possible aliens
SCNXL1: ld      a,(ix)          ; Pointer to the alien line data
        cp      0               ; Is the alien dead?
        jp      z,NXT02

        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Get player x-coordinate
        add     a,4
        ld      c,(ix+1)        ; Get alien x-coordinate
        cp      c
        jp      c,NXT02         ; Jump if below

        ld      a,(ix+1)        ; Get alien x-coordinate+8
        add     a,8
        ld      c,a
        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Get player x-coordinate
        cp      c
        jp      nc,NXT02        ; Jump if not below

        jp      CFREE

NXT02:  dec     ix              ; Next alien in datalist
        dec     ix
        dec     ix
        djnz    SCNXL1

        jp      DONE6           ; No ship in any alien x area

CFREE:  ld      (TEMP),ix
        ld      hl,(TEMP)
        ld      de,-ALIENd1
        add     hl,de
        ld      (TEMP2),hl
        ld      de,(TEMP2)
        ld      c,e
        ld      hl,(TEMP)

        ld      de,24
        ld      b,4             ; Check if there's an alien under
FREEL:  ld      a,c
        add     a,24
        cp      96
        jp      nc,LXIT02
        ld      c,a
        add     hl,de
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      0
        jp      nz,NOFREE
        djnz    FREEL

NOFREE: jp      DONE6           ; There's at least one alien under, don't shoot

LXIT02:                         ; No alien under, shoot!

;[[[[   Initiate alien laser   [[[[

FIRE:   ld      a,r             ; Init alien laser
        srl     a
        and     00000001b
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(ix+1)
        add     a,4
        add     a,b
        ld      (ALASRx),a
        ld      a,(ix+2)
        ld      (ALASRy),a
        ld      a,1
        ld      (ALASRf),a
        ld      (ALASRp),ix

        jp      DONE6

;[[[[   Update alien laser   [[[[

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Erase old alien laser
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(ALASRx)
        ld      hl,80+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR

        ld      a,(ALASRy)      ; Update alien laser y-coordinate
        inc     a
        ld      (ALASRy),a

        cp      57              ; Has alien laser reached the bottom?
        jp      nz,SKP16

        ld      a,0             ; If so, reset the alien laser flag
        ld      (ALASRf),a

        jp      DONE6

        ld      e,a             ; Draw new alien laser
        ld      a,(ALASRx)
        ld      hl,80+SPRITES
        call    SPRITE

        ld      ix,(ALASRp)     ; Draw alien over laser

        ld      a,(ix)
        cp      0
        jp      z,DONE6

        ld      h,0
        ld      l,(ix)
        ld      bc,SPRITES
        add     hl,bc
        ld      a,(ix+1)
        ld      e,(ix+2)
        call    SPRITE

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ ALASR \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ ALIENS _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Move the aliens                                                            3

;[[[[   Check if alien is RIP'ing   [[[[

        ld      a,(RIPt)
        cp      0
        jp      z,NXT01

        cp      1
        jp      nz,SKP14

        ld      ix,(RIPp)       ; Erase RIP
        ld      (ix+0),0
        ld      a,(ix+1)        ; Get x-coordinate for alien
        ld      e,(ix+2)        ; Get y-coordinate for alien
        ld      hl,72+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR

        ld      a,(ALIENk)      ; Last alien?
        cp      32
        jp      nz,SKP14

        call    STGCLR

        ld      a,(RIPt)
        dec     a
        ld      (RIPt),a

;[[[[   Calculate pointer to alien data   [[[[

        ld      ix,ALIENd1      ; Get pointer to alien data
        ld      a,(ALIENc)      ; Get current offset in alien data
        ld      c,a             ; Do c*3
        add     a,c
        add     a,c
        ld      c,a
        ld      b,0
        add     ix,bc

;[[[[   Check if alien is dead   [[[[

        ld      a,(ix+0)        ; Check if alien is dead
        cp      0
        jp      nz,SKP11
        ld      hl,ALIENc       ; Update alien counter
        inc     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      32              ; Time to reset counter?
        jp      nz,NXT01
        jp      RESC1           ; Reset counter and return to main

;[[[[   Erase old alien   [[[[

        ld      l,a             ; Erase old alien
        ld      h,0
        ld      bc,SPRITES
        add     hl,bc
        ld      a,(ix+1)
        ld      e,(ix+2)
        push    ix
        call    CLRSPR
        pop     ix

;[[[[   Update alien data   [[[[

        ld      a,(ALIENa)      ; Anim frame
        add     a,(ix+0)
        ld      (ix+0),a

        ld      a,(ALIENmy)     ; Y-coordinate
        add     a,(ix+2)
        ld      (ix+2),a

        ld      a,(ALIENmy)     ; Skip x movement if y movement
        cp      0
        jp      nz,NOXMOV

        ld      a,(ALIENm)      ; X-coordinate
        add     a,(ix+1)
        ld      (ix+1),a

        cp      88              ; Aliens reached the right edge?
        jp      nz,SKP9
        ld      a,1
        ld      (ALIENmc),a
        jp      SKP10

        cp      0               ; Aliens reached the left edge?
        jp      nz,SKP10
        ld      a,1
        ld      (ALIENmc),a     ; Set movement change flag


;[[[[   Draw new alien   [[[[

        ld      l,(ix+0)        ; Draw new alien
        ld      h,0
        ld      bc,SPRITES
        add     hl,bc
        ld      a,(ix+1)
        ld      e,(ix+2)
        call    SPRITE

;[[[[   Update alien counter   [[[[

        ld      hl,ALIENc       ; Update alien counter
        inc     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      32              ; Time to reset counter?
        jp      nz,DONE3

        ld      (hl),0          ; Reset alien counter

        ld      a,(ALIENa)      ; Change anim frame add
        ld      (ALIENa),a

        ld      a,0
        ld      (ALIENmy),a     ; Reset alien y movement flag

;[[[[   Look for alien movement change   [[[[

        ld      a,(ALIENmc)     ; Look for alien movement change
        cp      1
        jp      nz,DONE3

        ld      a,(ALIENm)      ; Change direction in movement
        ld      (ALIENm),a

        ld      a,(ALIENys)     ; Get alien y speed
        ld      (ALIENmy),a     ; Set alien y movement flag

        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(ALIENli)
        add     a,b
        ld      (ALIENli),a     ; Increase lines alien has moved down

        ld      a,0             ; Reset alien movement change flag
        ld      (ALIENmc),a

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ ALIENS \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ COLDT1 _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Collision detection between alien and laser                                3
        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Is there a laserbeam on screen?
        cp      252
        ret     z

;[[[[   Scan y-coordinates   [[[[

        ld      a,(ALIENli)     ; Get number of lines the aliens has moved down
        add     a,8
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Get laserbeam y-coordinate
        cp      b
        jp      nc,TROW2        ; Jump if not below

        ld      ix,ALIENd1
        ld      hl,ALIENr1
        jp      SCAN1

        ld      a,(ALIENli)     ; Get number of lines the aliens has moved down
        add     a,18
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Get laserbeam y-coordinate
        cp      b
        jp      nc,TROW3        ; Jump if not below

        ld      ix,ALIENd2
        ld      hl,ALIENr2
        jp      SCAN1

        ld      a,(ALIENli)     ; Get number of lines the aliens has moved down
        add     a,28
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Get laserbeam y-coordinate
        cp      b
        jp      nc,TROW4        ; Jump if not below

        ld      ix,ALIENd3
        ld      hl,ALIENr3
        jp      SCAN1

        ld      a,(ALIENli)     ; Get number of lines the aliens has moved down
        add     a,38
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Get laserbeam y-coordinate
        cp      b
        jp      nc,DONE2        ; Jump if not below

        ld      ix,ALIENd4
        ld      hl,ALIENr4
        jp      SCAN1

;[[[[   Scan x-coordinates   [[[[

        ld      b,8             ; Eight possible aliens
SCAN1L: ld      a,(ix)          ; Pointer to the alien line data
        cp      0               ; Is the alien dead?
        jp      z,NXT0

        ld      a,(SLASRx)      ; Get laserbeam x-coordinate
        ld      c,(ix+1)        ; Get alien x-coordinate
        cp      c
        jp      c,NXT0          ; Jump if below

        ld      a,(ix+1)        ; Get alien x-coordinate+8
        add     a,8
        ld      c,a
        ld      a,(SLASRx)      ; Get laserbeam x-coordinate
        cp      c
        jp      nc,NXT0         ; Jump if not below

        jp      HIT

NXT0:   inc     ix
        inc     ix
        inc     ix
        djnz    SCAN1L

        jp      DONE2

;[[[[   Erase the alien and the laserbeam   [[[[
        dec     (hl)            ; ALIENrX=ALIENrX-1

        ld      h,0             ; -- Erase the alien and the laserbeam
        ld      l,(ix+0)
        ld      bc,SPRITES
        add     hl,bc

        ld      (ix+0),72       ; Erase alien in alien datalist (72=RIP)

        ld      a,(ix+1)        ; Get x-coordinate for alien
        ld      e,(ix+2)        ; Get y-coordinate for alien
        push    ix
        call    CLRSPR
        pop     ix

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Erase laserbeam
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(SLASRx)
        ld      hl,80+SPRITES
        push    ix
        call    CLRSPR
        pop     ix

        ld      a,252
        ld      (SLASRy),a

        call    USCORE

        ld      hl,ALIENk       ; Update number of killed aliens
        inc     (hl)

        ld      a,16            ; Initiate laser timer
        ld      (LTIMER),a

;[[[[   R.I.P. alien   [[[[

        ld      a,(ix+1)        ; Get x-coordinate for alien
        ld      e,(ix+2)        ; Get y-coordinate for alien
        ld      hl,72+SPRITES
        push    ix
        call    SPRITE          ; Blit RIP
        pop     ix

        ld      (RIPp),ix       ; Init pointer and counter
        ld      a,16
        ld      (RIPt),a

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ COLDT1 \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ SCORE _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Update score                                                               3

;[[[[   Update score   [[[[

        ld      a,(DIFF)
        ld      b,a
POINTL: push    bc              ; Point loop based on DIFF

        ld      hl,(SCOREb)     ; Give player point(s)
        inc     hl
        ld      (SCOREb),hl

        ld      hl,SCR1         ; -- Update the ascii score
        inc     (hl)

        ld      b,3             ; Look for overflow loop
SCRL:   ld      a,(hl)
        cp      ':'
        jp      nz,SKP17
        ld      (hl),'0'
        dec     hl
        inc     (hl)
        djnz    SCRL

        pop     bc
        djnz    POINTL

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ SCORE \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ LASER _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Update the ship's laserbeam                                                3
        ld      a,(LTIMER)      ; Has timer reached zero yet?
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP12
        ld      hl,LTIMER       ; Update laser timer
        dec     (hl)

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Is there a laserbeam to update?
        cp      252
        ret     z

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Erase old laserbeam
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(SLASRx)
        ld      hl,80+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Has the laserbeam reached the top yet?
        cp      0
        jp      nz,SKP01

        ld      a,252
        ld      (SLASRy),a

        ld      hl,SLASRy       ; Move laserbeam two pixels up
        dec     (hl)
        dec     (hl)

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Draw new laserbeam
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(SLASRx)
        ld      hl,80+SPRITES
        call    SPRITE

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ LASER \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_  SHIP  _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Update the ship                                                            3

;[[[[   Update the ship   [[[[

        ld      e,56
        ld      a,(OSHIPx)      ; Load old x-coordinate
        ld      hl,88+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR          ; Erase last ship

        ld      e,56
        ld      a,(OSHIPx)      ; Load old x-coordinate
        add     a,8
        ld      hl,96+SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR          ; Erase last ship

        ld      e,56
        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Load x-coordinate
        ld      hl,88+SPRITES
        call    SPRITE          ; Draw new ship

        ld      e,56
        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Load x-coordinate
        add     a,8
        ld      hl,96+SPRITES
        call    SPRITE          ; Draw new ship

        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Update coordinates
        ld      (OSHIPx),a

;[[[[   Update bonus   [[[[

        ld      a,(BONUSt2)     ; If bonus = 0, don't dec any more
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP83

        ld      hl,BONUSdc
        dec     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      0
        jp      nz,SKP83

        ld      a,(DIFF)
        ld      (BONUSdc),a

        ld      hl,BONUSt1      ; Dec lower byte
        dec     (hl)
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      0
        jp      nz,SKP83

        ld      (hl),20
        inc     hl              ; Dec higher byte (the actual bonus score)
        dec     (hl)

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\  SHIP  \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_  KEYS  _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Look for keypress                                                          3
        ld      a,0ffh          ; Reset the keyport (kinda)
        out     (1),a
        ld      a,0feh          ; Enable the arrows
        out     (1),a
        in      a,(1)

        cp      253             ; Has anyone pressed left?
        jp      nz,NOLEFT
        ld      hl,SHIPx
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      0               ; Check for left edge
        jp      z,NOLEFT
        dec     (hl)            ; Decrease SHIPx

        cp      251             ; Has anyone pressed right?
        jp      nz,NORIGHT
        ld      hl,SHIPx
        ld      a,(hl)
        cp      83              ; Check for right edge
        jp      z,NORIGHT
        inc     (hl)            ; Increase SHIPx

        ld      a,0ffh          ; Reset the keyport (kinda)
        out     (1),a
        ld      a,0bfh          ; Enable the row with 2nd
        out     (1),a
        in      a,(1)

        cp      223             ; Has anyone pressed 2nd
        jp      nz,NO2nd

        ld      a,(SLASRy)      ; Check if there already is a laserbeam
        cp      252
        jp      nz,NO2nd

        ld      a,(LTIMER)      ; Ok to fire laser?
        cp      0
        jp      nz,NO2nd

        ld      a,(SHIPx)       ; Initiate laser
        add     a,6
        ld      (SLASRx),a
        ld      a,58
        ld      (SLASRy),a

        cp      191             ; Has anyone pressed MODE?
        jp      nz,NOMODE
        call    PAUSE

        ld      a,0ffh          ; Reset the keyport (kinda)
        out     (1),a
        ld      a,0fdh          ; Enable the row with CLEAR
        out     (1),a
        in      a,(1)
        cp      191             ; Check for CLEAR
        jp      nz,NOCLR        ; Exit if clear is pressed
        inc     sp              ; Adjust stack
        inc     sp
        call    XIT

        ld      a,0ffh          ; Reset the keyport (kinda)
        out     (1),a
        ld      a,0dfh          ; Enable the row with MATH
        out     (1),a
        in      a,(1)

        cp      191             ; Has anyone pressed MATH
        jp      nz,NOMATH
        call    MATH


;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\  KEYS  \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ WAIT2ND _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Wait for 2nd to be pressed                                                 3

        call    READKEY         ; Fetch first 2nd press

        call    READKEY         ; Wait for 2nd press
        call    OP2TOP1
        call    CONVOP1
        cp      21
        jp      nz,KEYL2

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ WAIT2ND \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ INVERT _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Inverts the graphbuf                                                       3

        ld      de,8e29h        ; Invert graphbuf
        ld      hl,768
        ld      bc,-1
INVL1:  ld      a,(de)
        ld      (de),a
        inc     de
        add     hl,bc
        jp      c,INVL1

        ld      b,8
        push    bc
        call    BUFCOPY
        pop     bc
        djnz    WAITL2

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ INVERT \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ PAUSE _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Pause and show stats                                                       3
        call    STAT

        ld      hl,0261fh       ; - Print msg to press MODE
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG03
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        call    READKEY         ; Fetch first mode press

        call    READKEY         ; Wait for mode press
        call    OP2TOP1
        call    CONVOP1
        cp      22
        jp      nz,KEYL1

        ld      de,8e29h        ; Copy safe ram area to graphbuf
        ld      hl,8265h
        ld      bc,768

        ld      b,16            ; Wait for a while
        push    bc
        call    BUFCOPY
        pop     bc
        djnz    WAITL1

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ PAUSE

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_  BOX  _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Draws a box @ a,e with size b,c                                            3

        ld      (BOXx),a
        ld      (TEMP),a
        ld      a,e
        ld      (BOXy),a
        ld      a,b
        ld      (BOXxs),a
        ld      a,c
        ld      (BOXys),a

        ld      bc,13*8         ; - Left upper corner
        ld      (BOXp),bc
        call    DBOX
        ld      a,(BOXx)
        add     a,8
        ld      (BOXx),a

        ld      bc,14*8         ; - Middle of first row
        ld      (BOXp),bc
        ld      a,(BOXxs)
        ld      b,a
BOXL1:  push    bc
        call    DBOX
        pop     bc
        ld      a,(BOXx)
        add     a,8
        ld      (BOXx),a
        djnz    BOXL1

        ld      bc,15*8         ; - Right upper corner
        ld      (BOXp),bc
        call    DBOX
        ld      a,(TEMP)
        ld      (BOXx),a
        ld      a,(BOXy)
        add     a,8
        ld      (BOXy),a

        ld      a,(BOXys)
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP19
        ld      b,a
BOXL2:  push    bc

        ld      bc,16*8         ; - Left edge
        ld      (BOXp),bc
        call    DBOX
        ld      a,(BOXx)
        add     a,8
        ld      (BOXx),a

        ld      bc,21*8         ; - Middle of box
        ld      (BOXp),bc
        ld      a,(BOXxs)
        ld      b,a
BOXL3:  push    bc
        call    DBOX
        pop     bc
        ld      a,(BOXx)
        add     a,8
        ld      (BOXx),a
        djnz    BOXL3

        ld      bc,17*8         ; - Right edge
        ld      (BOXp),bc
        call    DBOX
        ld      a,(TEMP)
        ld      (BOXx),a
        ld      a,(BOXy)
        add     a,8
        ld      (BOXy),a

        pop     bc
        djnz    BOXL2

        ld      bc,18*8         ; - Left lower corner
        ld      (BOXp),bc
        call    DBOX
        ld      a,(BOXx)
        add     a,8
        ld      (BOXx),a

        ld      bc,19*8         ; - Middle of last row
        ld      (BOXp),bc
        ld      a,(BOXxs)
        ld      b,a
BOXL4:  push    bc
        call    DBOX
        pop     bc
        ld      a,(BOXx)
        add     a,8
        ld      (BOXx),a
        djnz    BOXL4

        ld      bc,20*8         ; - Right lower corner
        ld      (BOXp),bc
        call    DBOX

        jp      DONE7

DBOX:   ld      a,(BOXy)        ; -- Erase area under and draw boxsprite
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(BOXx)
        ld      hl,SPRITES
        call    CLRSPR

        ld      a,(BOXy)
        ld      e,a
        ld      a,(BOXx)
        ld      hl,(BOXp)
        ld      bc,SPRITES
        add     hl,bc
        call    SPRITE

        call    BUFCOPY

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\  BOX  \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ SPRITE _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Blit or erase sprite ~ a=x, e=y, hl=sprite address                         3

        push    hl              ; Save sprite address

;[[[[   Calculate the address in graphbuf   [[[[

        ld      hl,0            ; Do y*12
        ld      d,0
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,hl
        add     hl,hl

        ld      d,0             ; Do x/8
        ld      e,a
        srl     e
        srl     e
        srl     e
        add     hl,de

        ld      de,8e29h
        add     hl,de           ; Add address to graphbuf

        ld      b,00000111b     ; Get the remainder of x/8
        and     b
        cp      0               ; Is this sprite aligned to 8*n,y?
        jp      z,ALIGN

;[[[[   Non aligned sprite blit starts here   [[[[

        pop     ix              ; ix->sprite
        ld      d,a             ; d=how many bits to shift each line

        ld      e,8             ; Line loop
LILOP:  ld      b,(ix+0)        ; Get sprite data

        ld      c,0             ; Shift loop
        push    de
SHLOP:  srl     b
        rr      c
        dec     d
        jp      nz,SHLOP
        pop     de

        ld      a,b             ; Write line to graphbuf
        or      (hl)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,c
        or      (hl)
        ld      (hl),a

        ld      bc,11           ; Calculate next line address
        add     hl,bc
        inc     ix              ; Inc spritepointer

        dec     e
        jp      nz,LILOP        ; Next line

        jp      DONE1

;[[[[   Aligned sprite blit starts here   [[[[

ALIGN:                          ; Blit an aligned sprite to graphbuf
        pop     de              ; de->sprite
        ld      b,8
ALOP1:  ld      a,(de)
        or      (hl)            ; xor=erase/blit
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     de
        push    bc
        ld      bc,12
        add     hl,bc
        pop     bc
        djnz    ALOP1

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ SPRITE \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ CLRSPR _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Blit or erase sprite ~ a=x, e=y, hl=sprite address                         3
        push    hl              ; Save sprite address

;[[[[   Calculate the address in graphbuf   [[[[

        ld      hl,0            ; Do y*12
        ld      d,0
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,de
        add     hl,hl
        add     hl,hl

        ld      d,0             ; Do x/8
        ld      e,a
        srl     e
        srl     e
        srl     e
        add     hl,de

        ld      de,8e29h
        add     hl,de           ; Add address to graphbuf

        ld      b,00000111b     ; Get the remainder of x/8
        and     b
        cp      0               ; Is this sprite aligned to 8*n,y?
        jp      z,ALIGN2

;[[[[   Non aligned sprite erase starts here   [[[[

        pop     ix              ; ix->sprite
        ld      d,a             ; d=how many bits to shift each line

        ld      e,8             ; Line loop
LILOP2: ld      b,(ix+0)        ; Get sprite data

        ld      c,0             ; Shift loop
        push    de
SHLOP2: srl     b
        rr      c
        dec     d
        jp      nz,SHLOP2
        pop     de

        ld      a,b             ; Write line to graphbuf
        and     (hl)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,c
        and     (hl)
        ld      (hl),a

        ld      bc,11           ; Calculate next line address
        add     hl,bc
        inc     ix              ; Inc spritepointer

        dec     e
        jp      nz,LILOP2       ; Next line

        jp      DONE5

;[[[[   Aligned sprite erase starts here   [[[[

ALIGN2:                         ; Erase an aligned sprite in graphbuf
        pop     de              ; de->sprite
        ld      b,8
ALOP2:  ld      a,(de)
        and     (hl)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     de
        push    bc
        ld      bc,12
        add     hl,bc
        pop     bc
        djnz    ALOP2

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ CLRSPR \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_  WAIT  _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Wait for a while ~ hl=times to do waitloop                                 3
        push    bc

        ld      bc,-1
WAITL:  ld      (TEMP),bc       ; This instruction takes 20 cycles to execute

        add     hl,bc
        jp      c,WAITL

        pop     bc
;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\  WAIT  \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_ LVINIT _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Level init                                                                 3

        call    BUFCLR          ; Clear the graphbuf

        ld      a,'0'           ; - Init bonus variables
        ld      (BONUS1),a
        ld      (BONUS2),a
        ld      (BONUS3),a
        ld      a,20
        ld      (BONUSt1),a
        ld      a,128
        ld      (BONUSt2),a
        ld      a,(DIFF)
        ld      (BONUSdc),a

        ld      a,(BOSSf)
        cp      1
        jp      z,BOSSINI

;[[[[   Initiate barrier   [[[[

        ld      a,8             ; Initiate barrier 1
        ld      e,48
        ld      hl,SPRITES+8
        call    SPRITE
        ld      a,16
        ld      e,48
        ld      hl,SPRITES+16
        call    SPRITE

        ld      a,40            ; Initiate barrier 2
        ld      e,48
        ld      hl,SPRITES+8
        call    SPRITE
        ld      a,48
        ld      e,48
        ld      hl,SPRITES+16
        call    SPRITE

        ld      a,72            ; Initiate barrier 3
        ld      e,48
        ld      hl,SPRITES+8
        call    SPRITE
        ld      a,80
        ld      e,48
        ld      hl,SPRITES+16
        call    SPRITE

;[[[[   Initiate aliens   [[[[

        ld      a,8             ; -- Initiate aliens
        ld      e,0
        ld      ix,ALIENd1

ALIENL: ld      a,(ix+0)
        cp      255
        jp      z,SKP25

        ld      l,(ix+0)
        ld      h,0
        ld      bc,SPRITES
        add     hl,bc

        ld      a,(ix+1)
        ld      e,(ix+2)
        push    ix
        call    SPRITE
        pop     ix
        inc     ix
        inc     ix
        inc     ix

        jp      ALIENL

        jp      SKP25

;[[[[   Initiate boss   [[[[

        ld      a,(LEVELb)      ; Initiate values for current boss
        cp      3
        jp      z,BOSSNR1

        cp      6
        jp      z,BOSSNR2

        jp      BOSSNR3

BOSSNR1:                        ; Init for boss number 1
        ld      hl,56
        ld      a,9
        ld      (BOSShp),a
        ld      a,3
        ld      (BOSShs),a
        ld      a,160
        ld      (BONUSt2),a

        jp      ENLARGE

BOSSNR2:                        ; Init for boss number 2
        ld      hl,40
        ld      a,18
        ld      (BOSShp),a
        ld      a,6
        ld      (BOSShs),a
        ld      a,192
        ld      (BONUSt2),a

        jp      ENLARGE

BOSSNR3:                        ; Init for boss number 3
        ld      hl,24
        ld      a,27
        ld      (BOSShp),a
        ld      a,9
        ld      (BOSShs),a
        ld      a,255
        ld      (BONUSt2),a

        ld      bc,SPRITES      ; hl contains sprite_nr*8 to enlarge
        add     hl,bc
        ld      de,8265h

        ld      b,8
BINIL2: push    bc

        ld      c,10000000b
        ld      b,4
BINIL1: ld      a,(hl)          ; x-enlarge loop
        and     c
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP43
        ld      a,11110000b
        ld      (de),a
        jp      SKP44
        ld      a,0
        ld      (de),a
        srl     c
        ld      a,(hl)
        and     c
        cp      0
        jp      z,SKP45

        ld      a,(de)
        or      00001111b
        ld      (de),a
        jp      SKP46

        ld      a,(de)
        and     11110000b
        ld      (de),a

        srl     c
        inc     de
        djnz    BINIL1

        pop     bc
        inc     de
        inc     de
        inc     de
        inc     de
        inc     de
        inc     de
        inc     de
        inc     de
        inc     hl

        djnz    BINIL2

        ld      hl,8265h
        ld      ix,8e29h+96+4

        ld      b,8
BINIL4: push    bc

        ld      b,4
BINIL3: ld      a,(hl)          ; y-enlarge loop
        ld      (ix+0),a
        ld      (ix+12),a
        ld      (ix+24),a
        ld      (ix+36),a
        inc     ix
        inc     hl
        djnz    BINIL3

        ld      bc,44
        add     ix,bc

        ld      bc,8
        add     hl,bc

        pop     bc
        djnz    BINIL4

        ld      hl,24*8+SPRITES
        ld      a,(BOSShs)
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,0
HPL:    ld      e,0             ; Blit out boss health points
        push    af
        push    bc
        push    hl
        call    SPRITE
        pop     hl
        pop     bc
        pop     af
        add     a,9
        djnz    HPL

        ld      a,(DIFF)
        ld      (BOSShl),a

        ld      a,32
        ld      (ALASRt),a

;[[[[   Print stats and wait for 2nd  [[[[

        call    STAT

        ld      hl,02621h       ; - Print msg to press 2nd
        ld      (08252H),hl     ; Update cursorslocation
        ld      hl,MSG01
        call    04781h          ; Vputs

        call    WAIT2ND

        ld      de,8e29h        ; Copy safe ram area to graphbuf
        ld      hl,8265h
        ld      bc,768

;[[[[   Init variables   [[[[

        ld      a,16            ; Initiate laser timer
        ld      (LTIMER),a

        ld      a,(DIFF)        ; Set right difficulty
        and     00000010b
        srl     a
        ld      b,a
        ld      a,(ALIENys)
        add     a,b
        ld      (ALIENys),a

        inc     sp              ; Adjust stack
        inc     sp

        ld      a,(BOSSf)
        cp      1
        jp      nz,SKP73

        ld      hl,MBOSS
        push    hl
        jp      DONE0

SKP73:  ld      hl,MAIN
        push    hl

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\ LVINIT \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_  INIT  _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
        call    RINDOFF         ; Runindicator off
        call    BUFCLR          ; Clear the graphbuf

        res     0,(iy+20)       ; Reset G-T mode and hor. split mode
        res     1,(iy+20)

        ld      de,858fh+100    ; Make backup of the variables start values
        ld      hl,SHIPx
        ld      bc,DBYTES

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\  INIT  \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;\[[[[[[[[[[[[_  XIT  _[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[
;3 Exit program and clean up                                                  3
        ld      bc,HSCR4

        ld      a,c
        sub     27h
        ld      c,a

        ld      a,b
        sbc     a,93h
        ld      b,a

        ld      hl,(PROGPTR)
        add     hl,bc

        ld      a,(HSCR4)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,(HSCR3)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,(HSCR2)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,(HSCR1)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        inc     hl

        ld      a,(HSCOREb)
        ld      (hl),a
        inc     hl
        ld      a,(HSCOREb+1)
        ld      (hl),a

        call    CLRTSHD         ; Clear textshadow
        call    GOHOME          ; Leave graphscreen and go to homescreen
        call    BUFCLR          ; Clear the graphbuf
        call    READKEY         ; Catch the clear press
        call    HOMEUP          ; Place cursor at home

        inc     sp              ; Adjust stack
        inc     sp

        res     7,(iy+20)       ; Enable text-direct-to-lcd

        res     6,(iy+9)        ; Reset statsvalid (I've used safe ram area 2)

        ei                      ; Enable interrupts

        ret                     ; Exit program
;\[[[[[[[[[[[[\  XIT  \[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

;3[[[[[ Z80 [[[[[[3     EQUALS     3[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[3 movax 3[[[[[[[[[[[[3

WAITKEY .equ     4CFEh  ; Wait for a key and read
BUFCLR  .equ     515Bh  ; Clear the graph backup
BUFCOPY .equ     5164h  ; Copy the graph backup to the screen
RINDOFF .equ     4795h  ; Turn off runindicator
PRINTHL .equ     4709h  ; Print HL in dec. on the screen
OP2TOP1 .equ     41C2h  ; Move OP2 to OP1
CONVOP1 .equ     4EFCh  ; Convert fp value in OP1 to a 2 byte hex
READKEY .equ     4A18h  ; Read key and place it in OP2 as a fp value
GOHOME  .equ     47A1h  ; Go to home screen (finish gfx program)
CLRTSHD .equ     4765h  ; Clear text shadow
HOMEUP  .equ     4775h  ; Place cursor at home
STRING  .equ     470Dh  ; Print 0 terminated string to screen (hl->string)
HTIMESL .equ     4382h  ; hl=h*l

;3[[[[[ Z80 [[[[[[3      DATA      3[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[3 movax 3[[[[[[[[[[[[3

.include sprites.db
.include spzlogo.db

PRGNAME .db     "Spaze Invaders",0
PROGPTR .dw     0

DIFF    .db     1               ; Difficulty (1=easy, 2=medium, 3=hard)

HSCORE  .db     "HighScore:",0  ; HighScore text
HSCR4   .db     "0"             ; Multiples of thousand in ascii
HSCR3   .db     "3"             ; Multiples of hundred in ascii
HSCR2   .db     "0"             ; Multiples of ten in ascii
HSCR1   .db     "3",0           ; Multiples of one in ascii
HSCOREb .dw     303             ; HighScore in binary

MSG01   .db     "Press 2nd",0
MSG02   .db     "Game Over",0
MSG03   .db     "Press MODE",0
MSG04   .db     "Stage Cleared!",0
MSG05   .db     "cos(42)*sin(303)",0
MSG06   .db     "CONGRATULATIONS!!!",0
MSG07   .db     "You have saved all the",0
MSG08   .db     "hamsters on earth from",0
MSG09   .db     "the evil aliens",39," claws",0
MSG10   .db     "Have a nice day!",0
MSG11   .db     "",0
MSG12   .db     "",0

TXT1    .db     "By Hannes Edfeldt",0
TXT2    .db     "PRESS 2nd TO START",0
TXT3    .db     "EASY",0
TXT4    .db     "MEDIUM",0
TXT5    .db     "HARD",0
TXT6    .db     "ALIEN CODE",0
TXT7    .db     "presents",0

VERt    .db     "v1.0"  ; Version text

LEVEL   .db     "Level:",0      ; Level text
LEVELa  .db     "1",0           ; Level in ascii
LEVELb  .db     1               ; Level in binary

SCORE   .db     "Score:",0      ; Score text
SCR4    .db     "0"             ; Multiples of thousand in ascii
SCR3    .db     "0"             ; Multiples of hundred in ascii
SCR2    .db     "0"             ; Multiples of ten in ascii
SCR1    .db     "0",0           ; Multiples of one in ascii
SCOREb  .dw     0               ; Player score in binary

LIVES   .db     "Lives:",0      ; Lives text
LIVESa  .db     "3",0           ; Lives in ascii
LIVESb  .db     3               ; Lives left in binary

BONUS   .db     "Bonus:",0      ; Bonus text
BONUS3  .db     "0"
BONUS2  .db     "0"
BONUS1  .db     "0",0
BONUSt1 .db     20              ; Bonus timer 1
BONUSt2 .db     128             ; Bonus timer 2 (the actual bonus to get)
BONUSdc .db     0               ; Bonus decrement timer

BOXx    .db     0       ; Box x-coordinate
BOXy    .db     0       ; Box y-coordinate
BOXxs   .db     0       ; Box x-size
BOXys   .db     0       ; Box y-size
BOXp    .dw     0       ; Box sprite ptr

TEMP    .db     0       ; Temp store
        .db     0       ; Extra temp byte
TEMP2   .db     0       ; Temp store 2
        .db     0       ; Extra temp byte

TIME    .db     1       ; Time for a boss level?

STARTy  .db     0       ; y-coordinate for aliens to start at

SHIPx   .db     0       ; Ship x-coordinate
OSHIPx  .db     0       ; Old ship x-coordinate

SLASRx  .db     0       ; Ship laser x-coordinate
SLASRy  .db     252     ; Ship laser y-coordinate (252=no laserbeam)
LTIMER  .db     0       ; 0=ok to fire laser, >0=wait

ALIENm  .db     2       ; Alien x movement speed
ALIENys .db     1       ; Alien y movement speed (based on DIFF)
ALIENmy .db     0       ; Alien movement y (0=no movement, 1=movement)
ALIENmc .db     0       ; Alien movement change (0=no change, 1=time to change)
ALIENli .db     0       ; How many lines down has aliens moved yet
ALIENc  .db     0       ; Alien counter (which alien to move)
ALIENa  .db     8       ; Alien anim frame add
ALIENk  .db     0       ; Number of aliens killed

ALIENr1 .db     8       ; Aliens left in row 1
ALIENr2 .db     8       ; Aliens left in row 2
ALIENr3 .db     8       ; Aliens left in row 3
ALIENr4 .db     8       ; Aliens left in row 4

RIPt    .db     0       ; RIP timer
RIPp    .dw     0       ; RIP pointer

ALASRx  .db     0       ; Alien laser x coordinate
ALASRy  .db     0       ; Alien laser y coordinate
ALASRf  .db     0       ; Alien laser flag
ALASRt  .db     0       ; Alien laser timer
ALASRp  .dw     0       ; Pointer to the alien who shot the last beam

BOSSx   .db     32      ; Boss x-coordinate
BOSSmd  .db     1       ; Boss movement direction
BOSSxc  .db     31      ; Boss x-movement counter
BOSSmc  .db     0       ; Boss "time-to-move?" counter
BOSSf   .db     0       ; Is this a boss level? / Boss alive?
BOSShp  .db     03      ; Boss health points
BOSShs  .db     01      ; Boss health point sprites
BOSSld  .db     0       ; Boss shot destination
BOSSlt  .db     0       ; Boss shot timer
BOSShl  .db     0       ; Hits left before boss lose on hp
BOSSkr  .db     16,8,8,32,16,24,24,8    ; Boss kill random
        .db     0,16,24,32,0,8,16,16
        .db     24,24,8,8,0,32,8,24
        .db     24,16,16,32,8,16,0,24

MENUc   .db     1       ; Menu choice (1=easy, 2=medium, 3=hard)
MENUoc  .db     1       ; Menu old choice
MENUt   .db     12      ; Menu timer

FLASHt  .db     16      ; Flash timer
FLASHf  .db     0       ; Flash flag

LOGOl   .db     0       ; Logo line in fx process

ALIENd1 .db     24,8,0  ; First line of alien data (sprite address,x,y)
        .db     24,18,0
        .db     24,28,0
        .db     24,38,0
        .db     24,48,0
        .db     24,58,0
        .db     24,68,0
        .db     24,78,0

ALIENd2 .db     40,8,10 ; Second line of alien data (sprite address,x,y)
        .db     40,18,10
        .db     40,28,10
        .db     40,38,10
        .db     40,48,10
        .db     40,58,10
        .db     40,68,10
        .db     40,78,10

ALIENd3 .db     56,8,20 ; Third line of alien data (sprite address,x,y)
        .db     56,18,20
        .db     56,28,20
        .db     56,38,20
        .db     56,48,20
        .db     56,58,20
        .db     56,68,20
        .db     56,78,20

ALIENd4 .db     56,8,30 ; Fourth line of alien data (sprite address,x,y)
        .db     56,18,30
        .db     56,28,30
        .db     56,38,30
        .db     56,48,30
        .db     56,58,30
        .db     56,68,30
ALAST:  .db     56,78,30

        .db     255     ; End of alien data

DBYTES  .equ    ($-SHIPx-1)

;3[[[[[ Z80 [[[[[[3 Spaze Invaders 3[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[3 movax 3[[[[[[[[[[[[3
