I am a high school teacher at Northern HS in MD. Our faculty has been
recently debating an issue that up until yesterday seemed quite simple.
We would like your help in resolving the issue.
The problem: Evaluate 10/2x when x=4.
Some of our faculty seems to think that 2x is like an understood group.
Therefore, 10/8=1.25. According to Texas Instruments this is called
"implied multiplication." Where the 2x is an implied group.
On the other hand, according to the order of operations, mult and div go
left to right, so 5*4=20. According to TI, this is called "explicit
For TI's definition of "Implicit vs. Explicit" go to:
Some of the Texas Instruments graphing calculators
contradict themselves. The TI-81 treats 2x as a group, whereas the
TI-83 does not.
Any thoughts that you have on the subject would be appreciated
Eric Stroh