TI-83 tutorials
TI-83 tutorials
Hey. I'm using a school calculator and have no access to a link cable.
It is pointless for me to buy one, seeing as how I will only have it for
a year and then will probably buy a newer model. I was wondering, first
off, if there are any sites that give the programs in text so that you
can print them out and then transfer them by hand. My main question was,
however, does anyone have a complete tutorial that can be downloaded all
at once? I would really love to learn basic 83 programming, so as to
come up with a few math programs and lovely little games, as well as
other nifty programs. It is one form of computer programming, as simple
as it is said to be, and I would love to have it under my belt. Well,
whatever you can get me can be sent to this address or
"mcbutter72@aol.com". It is VERY much appreciated.