Re: HELP! I screwed up the 82


Re: HELP! I screwed up the 82

If you abort the self test, the calculator may lock-up. If so, just pull
the batteries and the backup battery and press ON 10 times. That will
all capacitors and return to normal. Then put the batteries back in,
turn it on, and turn up your contrast.

Michael Astrauskas wrote:
> Vmer Moltay wrote:
> > Since there was nothing in the memory, I pressed ENTER to see what would
> > happen. The calc started counting numbers slowly in the mid of the screen,
> > in ten minutes I got bored, so I pressed the ON key. Some odd lines
> > on the screen, and one more number, again odd lines, and the calc turned
> > off. Now I CANNOT TURN IT ON AGAIN. My god! What have I done? I need this
> > calculator for my lessons two weeks from now.
> >
> > Please help! I am hopeless.
> >
> > Omer Moltay
> Happened to me a million times on my 83. Siunce you reset
> memory, obviously the contrast has been reset. Press on
> and turn up the contrast. If it doesn't work turn it off then
> on and try againn. It will hopefully work by now. (You will
> not be able to see if it's off or on because of the contrast.)
> --
>  - Michael Astrauskas  ICQ UIN: 1946065, Trevelyan
>    My humble Anime-type art site:
